S2E10 - The Six Winds in Dice Tower Theatre Podcast | World Anvil

S2E10 - The Six Winds

    Elloveve could smell the battlefield smoke over 2 decades ago. The scorched grass, wood and peat held a smell that hung in the air and clung to her memories.   They are all poised on the ridge astride 6 warhorses overlooking a huge Barbarian army in the green valley below. Their shouts and jeers are muffled at this distance by the gentle breeze. It was spring she remembers.   This was her tribe, her family. All wearing armor or tunics emblazed with the same Sword and Crown. The symbol of the Knights of the Glen.   She looks at her leather tunic and the bow in her hand. “I was a scout archer.” “You were one of the best.” She saw the jade bracelet on her left hand “hmm. You called me jade. Because of my bracelet.” Keldor nodded.She closed her eyes and in her memory looked next to her at the young man in shining silver armor gilded with gold, a deep blue emblem on his chest matching his eyes. “You were our Paladin, our beacon of the faith.” “Yes. I… I was. “ she chuckled at something “What?” “Hehehe you were clean shaven back then.” “ Heh, yes I was that too.” he said stroking his bearded chin.   There’s a village in flames behind the raiders, her keen nose filling with the iron and smoke of the slaughter below. She notices the Raven haired mage at her right turn away as she sees a few knights bodies are being paraded around by them. They are celebrating the slaughter they all came to atone for. She is wearing white robes embroidered with flames at the cuff and a red and orange crown and sword wreathed in flames on her chest. “She was an evoker. A fire mage.” “Yes, can you remember her name?” She opened her eyes and looked at Cordelia. She looked so much like her. A smile crept across her face “Lora. Lorahana Shieldheart.” Keldor smiled next to her holding her hand in his. They were sitting next to the stream by themselves. Everyone was giving them time to reunite Keldor helping her with her memories before everyone else tried sharing stories to jog her memory. He nodded. “Yes. She wasn’t a Shieldheart yet but she might as well have been. Do you see our brother next to her? He had a moustache. Can you tell me his name?“ She closed her eyes to focus   On the other side of Lorahana was a strong man. His blonde hair hung to the shoulder and a long moustache was beginning to form on his upper lip swooping down from the corners of his mouth to his chin. His armor was intricately carved and stamped with symbols of the order. He was a decorated warrior for being so young. He drew his longsword at his side. “They will pay this day. I swear it” His unmistakable booming voice rangout from his huge chest. “Erebus. Erebus Shieldheart.” “yes.” “my memory is hazy, i can’t seem to remember the others.” “no, no i’m sure you can, close your eyes Elloveve. Hear them. Hear them and remember.”  
  “It is just us then?” A knight states plainly turning her head to the black haired leader. Her dirty blonde hair hung gently to the shoulder cut in a short style to ensure mobility in the heavy plate of her torso. A style all but Jade and Lorahana were wearing. The knight carried a polearm with a swooping blade at on end. “It was.. a glaive” Elloveve remembered, a glaive of the winds. “Her name was…Elona” “Elona you… are correct.” A black haired man at the front surveyed the battleground carefully. “Lucilius. Lucilius was his name.” Lucilius turns to Elona to answer, the venom in his voice barely hidden behind his stoic stance “Yes, Bemil refuses to acknowledge this threat to our people. It is now up to us.” “Good I like it that way” she responds gripping her glaive tightly with a smile. “As do I my sister,” the raven haired mage touches the tattoo of the sword on her arm, a blade of pure orange flame leaping to her hand. “I agree, less bureaucracy to deal with” Erebus states, “Keldor, what say you old friend?” “Truly the Knight Lord is with us this day.” Keldor says smiling at Elloveve “May we ride like the wind.” Elloveve answers “We shall.” Lucilius smiles before gripping the reigns tightly in his left hand drawing a longsword with his right. Holding it aloft he cries “To Glory!”   As one force the 6 winds rode not only into battle that day but into songs and legends. They liberated that town and led the army to push back the bandits from the nation of Trull away from the former stronghold of Garnet Keep.   “I remembered!” Elloveve threw her arms around Keldor who squeezed her tight in his arms. Happy she remembered herself, though hesitant and worried about her remembering too much. Would he be ready to walk that path with her again. “Yes yes you did sweet Elloveve.” he groaned slightly standing from sitting on the log for so long. The blood rushing to his armored legs and feet. His armor was blackened with soot and dirt she thought. Nothing like her memory of him and the gleaming shine back then. “Come lets join the group I’m sure they have tales to spin as well.” He smelled the air “mmm not to mention i am getting a bit hungry” He said smiling leading her back to the savory smell of the venison, carrots, parsnips and potatoes slow cooking in the iron pot on the fire.  
  Zorin was taking his turn talking about growing up in port L For Elloveve laughing as she remembered their good times. “So then she throws the spoon at me knocking over the glass vase she was telling me to stay away from!” Everyone was laughing. It was so good to see everyone together. Cordelia sat next to her Elloveve’s arms wrapped around her long lost friend.   Elloveve chuckled before a wave of memory hit her. “Oh.. Wait.” Everyone went silent “What is it?” “I remember being on the roof surrounded by fire.” Sophie tensed up remembering the escape from Port L’For. “I remember you all escaped and I was so relieved.” They all nodded and Benedict rose to put a hand of comfort on her shoulder when he saw a familiar glint of metal around Eralin’s neck. He stopped and stared wide eyed. It was a Dragon turtle. The same exact design as the one adorning the sword of Lord Pallus only this one had icey blue eyes.   “Where did you get that?” He stood trembling “This i’ve had as long as i can remember why?” eralin clutched it as he coolly responded. Keldor rose “What is it Benedict?” he paused “this… is an interesting design.” He gestured for permission to examine it further. Eralin stood his huge 7 foot frame dwarfing even the tall Keldor. Keldor passed it in his hand. “Mithril Silver. Impressive.” he turned it and saw the forge mark a reversed E and S entwined. His eyes grew wide. “Thats my father’s mark.” Keldor shocked stared at Benedict “Wait, your father had a mark like this. Tell me, and tell me true was his mark like this only reversed as if in a mirror?” Keldor was shaking his hands gripped benedicts tunic like a vice the young man feeling a bit threatened.   “Yes. W...Why?”   Keldor froze. His brow furrowed his gentle eyes welling with tears. “My…” he fell to his knees in racking sobs. 20 years of torment hitting him all at once. He wiped a hand across his eyes quickly “SNIFF, I... I Should have known you.” Benedict was stunned. Keldor rose and turned his back to Benedict staring at Elloveve. “Elloveve do you remember that night?”  
  For his expert leadership over the next months campaign Lucilius was named the Lord Protector of Garnet Keep. They soon settled behind the ancient granite walls. All 6 of us together continuing to work in harmony with each other. While Lucilius governed wisely and justly from the meeting halls Elona the Fair helped to build the gardens and tend to the great tree in the center courtyard. Erebus set up a blacksmith shop with his now wife Lorahana who was a wonderful seamstress. Elloveve, you were teaching the people how to hunt the forests and fish the lake behind the keep. I… I taught the word of the Knightlord and his righteous justice from the chapel.   Soon Lucilius and Elona married and had a first boy. He was blonde, and a thrill seeker. Rather reckless as i remember. like his mother. A few years went by and Elloveve became fond of each other. But my vows would never allow me to love or take a wife. But i tell you all I loved her. Lucilius and Elona had another Son. Dark haired like his father. Quiet, reserved. Never cried really. Shortly thereafter Lorahana gave Erebus the light of his life. A daughter.   I became jealous. Angry. I was cursed with this feeling in my soul. It was a longing, like none I had felt before or ...since.   One night I left my post and went to the stables to ponder and pray. I prayed for guidance, or deliverance. I soon cursed myself and all around me when challenged the law of my order saying these feelings were natural, I shouldn't have to run from them, why… Why couldn't we be happy too?   That night bandit raided the keep sneaking in past my abandoned post. Humans and Orcs set fire to the gadens screams rangout in the night people terrified ran from the keep that no longer protected them. The walls were ablaze. I Saw Elona fighting them with her great glaive spinning. Soon she dove into the building’s fire disappearing in the blaze.. Lucilius was on the ground clutching his side. A mortal wound’s blood pouring between his fingers. “Keldor… my old friend.” “I.. I have failed you my lord I…” “Shhh… not now dear friend. Whatever you did, I forgive you. May the Knight and Maiden watch you now…” “My Lord? Lucilious? I… Don’t leave me… please…” I lost everything at that moment, My lord, my faith and my mind. I drew my sword and dove into the battle with a vengeance. I cut everything down I could find that wasn’t one of our people.   Their cries fueled my hatred and anger. After what seemed an eternity we were overrun and even in my state i knew it was time to flee. I lost my Elloveve, my friends and my home. I mounted my horse’s back and rode into the night down the high stone bridge and the mountain path never to return to Garnet keep again. My shame knew… No bounds. I left the knighthood and spend the last 20 years as a mercenary and sword for hire.   Until now.  
  Keldor stood in front of a stunned Benedict. Drawing his great sword he kneeled to Benedict.   “I pledge to you Benedict, son of Lucilius and Steward of Garnet Keep you will regain your birthright.”  


  His black and red boots echoed as he ascended the cold black stone steps. His hands unconsiously flexed his forearms pulsing under the strain. He pulled his bright orange hair back from his dark face red eyes glowing like embers. “You called me?” he almost spat it out. He was no servant. “Yes… Make the troops ready we begin our march tomorrow. In 2 weeks time we should reach the Celestine Tower in the center of the great glenn valley.” Lord Pallus stood up clasping his hand around the dragon turtle pommell of his great sword its red eyes twinkling.   “Yes. I will do as you wish.” he turned to walk away.   “One more thing.” he sneered, “The blue dragons will lead the first sorties.” Pallus took some delight in seeing the look of disappointment on his servants face.   “Fine.”   “We will be victorious! Won’t we... Fury.”   Fury growled deeply as he turned on his heel to descend the stairs the dragon’s blood in his veins pulsing with rage.  
|CAST| The Legendary Six Winds:   | ELLOVEVE HAWKLIGHT - Jessica Atchley | ELONA THE FAIR - Lesley Beckmann | LORAHANA SHIELDHEART - Laura Jerdak - https://www.facebook.com/JessoLaurusRex/ | EREBUS SHIELDHEART - Jesse Phillips - https://www.facebook.com/JessoLaurusRex/ | KELDOR IRONFIST - Mike Atchley | LUCILIUS KETTLEBANE - Benjamin Corley   The Adventurers:   | SOPHIE - Sarah Jenkins | CORDELIA - Joleen Fresquez | BENEDICT - Brian Dowling | ZORIN - Cody Miller | ZANE - Storm S Cone | ERALIN - Jordan Thompson | NARRATOR - Mike Atchley All Music/Production by Mike Atchley   Closing Credits Song "Dawn of Dragons" written and performed by Daniel Nichols www.happygolukky.com   Thanks to Haley Munoz, Daniel Nichols and Corey Phautch and Brave Adventures for their support this season! http://patreon.com/braveadventures http://braveadventures.com   ***We Will Return November 1st 2020 for Season 3!***


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