S2E4 - Chains of Darkness in Dice Tower Theatre Podcast | World Anvil

S2E4 - Chains of Darkness

  Drip. Drip… “groan” Benedict groaned rolling from his right side to the left no longer facing the rough and jagged edge of the wall. The wall was smooth like glass and in parts dangerously so. Skotmir was disturbed how foreign it felt to him remarking “its almost unholy. Its not like any stone I’ve seen.” it was opaque and when light would grace itself in the 20 foot chamber of the cell it showed blue and grey streaks. From some ancient flame no doubt. Benedict noted it was like a smelters slag, the runoff from smelting raw iron ore.   He opened his right eye. Even that motion sent waves of pain in his over worked back and legs. For days they had been loading carts with various crates of supplies. The dark soldiers always watching thier work and driving them to perform at a pace slightly faster than possible with a load slightly heavier. Benedict tried to resist and found it easier to just submit to thier wishes and load the carts. Sophie and himself being the strongest and tallest they were the ones driven the hardest. Skotmir was kicked around cruelly by thier pointed black boots. He didn’t seem to care though. At least he wouldn’t show them. He never changed his pace.   He saw Vix sitting staring at the floor with his hands clasped in his lap. His head hung low. Though they were all quiet the past few days noone was more reclusive than Vix. The deep elves had Vix and cordelia gathering various local flora for thier supplies. Cordelias hands looked blackened the first day and began to blister the next from some reaction to a local plant. She had ripped fabric from the base of her dirty white dress and made some hand wraps for herself. She never let the pain show on her face. “We need to get out. There must be a way.” A smile tried to crack his chapped lips, his cousin was tough for sure. “Hey Cordelia are you up?”   “Yeah. Wish I wasn’t but yeah.” He sat up on the glassy floor. She sat on the long rock bench along thier side of the wall. Sophie sat next to her, with unfocused eyes staring at the ground. Jade as well was ever quiet, just sitting there in thought. “SNOOOOORE” on the floor spread eagle lying on his back was Skotmir. “Nothing bothers that guy.”   Sophie blurted “I feel so stupid! This wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t… OOOh its all my fault.” “Wait Sophie i didn’t mean..” “no you did and you were right. I shouldn’t have trusted that man.” “We all had a choice.” Vix raised his head. “Didn’t we squire.” “I…” Benedict hesitated “I’m not a squire. Not yet anyways.” Vix chuckled “Great. Not much else for us to do now. We’re all doomed.” “Don’t say that you..” “Oh I do know little mage.” Vix’s eyes grew cold as he continued. “These are the forgotton ones. Those of my people that were banished long ago. Doomed to lurk beneath the earth further than our cellars… or graves.” He looked back to the doorway. “They were the poisoners of The Skull. The god the young knight to be knows as the Ferryman.” He sneered as much to himself as his companions leaning back towards them, “I tell you we now walk with death close behind.” Sophie stood up “Stop. I see you quake as you talk of such thing… as if you know them. But I am not stupid Vix. I will not be fooled by your facade.” She stood in the center of the floor glaring at him her eyes ablaze with her blond hair falling in several dirty matted locks laying across her shoulders. Vix was shaken. If one was astute enough or had the tools they could see the granitelike ego split as if a great sledge had struck it. “You are scared.”   He stood enraged “FATAH-BAH” he shreiked with hands outstretched as he leaped at her. She used the attack’s momentum to put him firmly but helplessly on the ground with a grunt. “Please. Stop. We need all of us to get out of this.”   She stood up and glanced back at a wide eyed Benedict and Cordelia. *clapclaclap* “HAHAHA” A very awake Skotmir was standing now. “Thats right Sophie! Together!” He strode over to Vix who lay defeated and broken on the ground. “Comon Vix gather yerself.” He helped him sit up on the ground. “Regardless of who they are in this godforsaken place we need to get out and we gotta be together in it.”   “PSST” A shock came across everyones face as they looked at each other frozen like statues rooted in place. “Who…” “Hey!” It came from the doorway. Silhouetted against the light from outside the cells bars was a familiar face. One they hadn’t seen in days.   “Zorin?” Benedict ran to the bars. “How did you..” “I was told by an old man in the town to come find you here. Zane and I made our way in and separated after …” “Zane? Is.. he is he “ “he’s fine.” Sophie took a deep breath. Zorin turned back to benedict “stand back I’ll see if i can get it open.”   “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Vix shrieked out. “WE CANT JUST LEAVE!” Benedict ran at him “So help me I will do what i must to make sure you stay quiet!” But it was too late “shhhh everyone down they are coming” Everyone scrambled to a normal position in thier cell while Zorin panicked looking around. Behind him was the walkway up the cliff face to the cells location. Off the walkway was a sheer drop. “GULP …oh boy”  
  Sophie noted minutes seemed like hours as they heard the approach of the Deep Elven Guard. She sighed it was worse when she saw who accompanied them. She stood slightly shorter than the rest of them but it mattered not given the power that radiated off her and her station. Her red eyes were almond shaped and peered into the cell as she leered at them. “And what seems to be the matter? What bothers my dear pets this evening?” They all sat silent staring at the floor. Vix shook his head freeing himself from the panic. “Mistress Valya,” The dark guard pointed to the edge behind her. She turned slowly like a snake coiling to strike, the blue black velvet of her cloak cascading from her shoulders to ride at her calf. She stroked his cheek. “Move Janick you fool!!” she shoved the man stumbling out of the way “Thank you my lady.” he mumbled bowing while stepping back quickly allowing her past to look down over the rocky edge into the dark abyss below.   Suspended there was Zorin dangling from the cliff face his teeth clenched in silence, his fingers locked like iron to the edge. His arms screaming from fatigue he clung to the edge with all he could muster. He saw her dark red lips peel back in a sneer across the ashen grey face revealing set of perfect ivory teeth. “Hello. And who might you be?” she gently stroked his knuckles with a pointed boot. “Oh no.” She shifted her weight slowly crushing his hand “AAAUGH” Both holding it in place and disabling him at the same time. “I… I…” He sneered “ am the prince of the world you dumb ox!” Her eyes flared from the insult as she swung her foot to kick out his grip. Vix mumbled and gently waved the fingers of one hand.   Valyas foot suddenly felt heavier than normal throwing weight off center. “AAAUGH!” she shrieked as she flung herselfl over the side.   Vix smiled. But it vanished quickly. “Hmmm. How clumsy of me” She appeared over the stone edge with her arms outstretched, levitating. Gently she floated up and out returning to the edge peering down at Zorin.   “Sieze the outsider. And put him in with the others.” The guards nodded. 2 of them pulled up Zorin and held him with his arms behind his back. She smiled like a cat with its prey as she ran a single black fingernail across his cheek. “I so look forward to our discussion in the morning. See you soon.” She turned and strode back up the trail to the building illuminated in the darkness with the fire of blue torches.  
  Hours passed it seemed. But to be honest Zorin had no idea how much time had passed. The past few days he had simply slept when he was tired. Zane would be looking for him soon he supposed. They had agreed to meet about 4 miles away at the edge of a huge underground lake before they had to sleep. Zorin was beginning to feel tired. A sign time was running short.   He walked silently to the gate. And peered down both directions. All seemed quiet. He walked back to Vix. “Time to go. Are you ready?” Vix nodded. They all looked at him “How, they took all our gear?” “I have no spellbook.” Skotmir shrugged “or my Axe” “I believe it would be foolish to retrieve them. First we should escape. We have survived with less.” Benedict said putting his hand on Sophies shoulder. Zorin smiled nodding reaching into his boot he produced a single lockpick. Sophie smiled “let’s get to it then!” Zorin slid the pick into the tumbler and felt the cold iron reluctantly move into place and the gate slid slowly on its rail. “SHHHH” zorin hissed back to everyone as a reminder as he slipped onto the pathway.   Sophie sighed thinking of her sword, especially but looked at Cordelia. She and Vix were helpless without their spellbooks except for the handful of less powerful spells they had memorized.   They made their way down the path to the small guard house. Zorin motioned for them to stop and lower themselves to the floor a moment. He quietly approached and noticed two figures in the darkness playing a familiar game. “Axes. Axes again huh Dode.” He recognized the voice of the one she called Janick. “Heh, yes. Yes another Axe.” “hmm tell me Janick, how do you feel about our dear mistress? “ Why? She’s a strong..” “…yes very strong” “and.. Cruel” “heh indeed very cruel isn’t she?” He saw the other figure lean in. “the way she treats us all, especially the way she treats you?” “I… I suppose.” “There I lay down the Skull. And lets pause a moment. “ Janick sighed. “We won’t always have to listen to her gloat will we?” “No I have a feeling we won’t.” the figure pointed at the table in front of him look here there’s something i wish to show you.” Janick looked at the table.   Zorin froze. The other guard looked directly at him with two icy blue eyes. The ash colored face nodded at him. “Go.”   Zorin ducked down and waved for everyone to follow him as they crept in the darkness out of the prison they had known as an unwelcome home these past few days.   “Dear Janick, do you see now?”   “I.., I understand. Truly I do but must it be….”   “Must it be you? Yes. As I told someone very dear to me… all things must end sometime.”  
  Keldor woke in his room and put on his things to walk to the breakfast hall. He could smell the sweet pastries glazed in honey and berries, and the familiar favorite, cinnamon rolls. He smiled rubbing the beard on his sleep worn chin.   He exited shutting the door gently behind himself. Walking down the hall he heard a small voice “Heya” He turned to see a halfling no taller than a young child waving at him. She carried a small lute strapped to her back that looked more like a mandolin he thought to himself. She was dressed in dark greens and browns of the forest. Deep burgundy hair came to her shoulders. Around her neck was a small corked glass vial.   “You goin to breakfast? Me too can i join you?” “Absolutely but I get ahead of myself” He knelt down on one knee and bowed to her. “I am Keldor. And who might you be my new friend?”   She smiled standing straight taking his hand to shake it happily. “Lorvana Birdsong. Traveling minstrel.” She nodded quickly adding “Well lets get moving! Those goodies aren’t gonna just eat themselves.” They chuckled together as they walked down the hall following the welcome smells and pleasant conversation.   A conversation that noone seemed to notice was missing several honored guests.  
  |CAST|   | THE STRANGER – Phill Usher – Aethuran Dark Saga Podcast – https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/aethuran-dark-saga-634354   | VIX – Daniel Nichols – The Happy Go Lukky Podcast – https://happygolukky.com/   | MISTRESS VALYA and JANICK – Bridgett and Stephan Farruggia – https://www.seraphimtheatricalentertainment.com/   | LORVANA BIRDSONG – Kara Danvers   |SKOTMIR – Colten Jannssen   | SOPHIE – Sarah Jenkins   | CORDELIA – Joleen Fresquez   | BENEDICT – Brian Dowling   | ZORIN – Cody Miller   | NARRATOR – Mike Atchley


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