S2E5 - City of the Great Forge in Dice Tower Theatre Podcast | World Anvil

S2E5 - City of the Great Forge

  Its good im sure… just” Zorin turned the mushroom over in his hand. It was the size of a softball toasted a chestnut brown from the small campfire they had made. It smelled like an aged cheddar and probably was just as sharp and creamy Zorin told himself with a smile. Cordelia had pointed these out as non poisonous ones but was relying off of knowledge from the memory of a book she had read. “It will suffice.” Vix chimed in as he peeled a chunk of the flesh of his mushroom and carefully placed it in his mouth. He chewed with his eyes closed, trying to place the flavor. His eyes opened and he saw the group staring at him intensely.   “What?” “do you feel… strange?” “no should I?” “sick?” “like you are gonna shrink to the size of a mouse?” Everyone looked at Skotmir. “I heard that happened to some girl a long time ago and…” “shut up Skotmir, and all of you for that matter. I am fine.” Vix snorted going back his meal. “Despite what you may have heard Elves are not all weak. We have a very strong constitution in fact.”   Jade cocked an eyebrow at the needless brag and laughed rolling her eyes.   As they ate the gentle lapping of the underground lake water on the shore was rhythmic and soft. The campfire was made of small twigs and a broken board they had found. Wood was a scarce commodity here in the dark underbelly of the world. The meal was pleasant but there was the nagging of the last few days. When zorin had returned to the waterfront of the lake they had found evidence of a fight that someone was dragged away from. Jade could track 6 smaller bodies the size of Skotmir and noted they were similar in weight. The tracks were made by the steel heels of their heavy boots in the loose dirt. “There was oil from a lantern that spilled some here on the ground probably half a day prior.” “Zane had a lantern.” their hearts gripped in worry.   She noted chains bound the taller most likely human at the ankles before he was drug into a 4 wheel cart. And finally away down the coastline of the lake.   “Zane” He looked up. “Jade you are positive they came this way around the lakeside?” “Yes. “ The lake was immense with no sign of change in the coast’s direction in the last day’s worth of travel. “See the tracks still travel that way.” there was one set of tracks with set of large wheel ruts she was pointing at. She then pointed at another set 20 feet away. The feet were turned opposite but similar. “The wagon ruts are more shallow. Not as weighted down and going the other way. Thats where they most likely came from.” Zorin smiled “great. Thanks, just…” “We will find your friend Zorin I promise.” She sat down. She didn’t understand how she knew but she did.   The next day yielded a welcome change of scenery when they came across an old pier. The carts tracks ended here where the wooden cart itself sat as well. The pier had 3 small wooden rowboats moored along the left side. Skotmir noted these were dwarven in make, well crafted but plain. “I’m used to seeing the shipwrights mark or some strong dwarven design… these are so perfect but … empty.”   He was disturbed by this. “Dwarves are proud and function as well as beauty are important. Its so … soulless.”   Benedict put a hand on his shoulder. “Skotmir, do you see that light in the distance?” He pointed across the lake where a faint orange glow was on the horizon. Skotmir smiled. “Aye. Jade is that a city?” “Jade was already nodding as she inspected the dark wood of the boats for any leaks before their next journey.   The glow of the city became brighter as they made their journey over the next few hours. Soon they could see 4 giant pillars of stone ablaze with fires that ebbed and flowed from within. Towering hundreds of feet towards a ceiling that still was lost thousands of feet in the darkness above. Sprawled at their base were comparatively tiny houses. Easily 50 of these houses sitting end to end would be the width of just one of these great pillars.   They heard a large crowd bustling around in the distance the occasional muffled shout carrying across the water to their ear cloaked in darkness. They were rowing towards a large harbour filled with various ships and sizes, with one thing in common. “No sails… well I suppose that makes sense actually.” Zorin saw the largest ships had easily 40-50 oars per side. Far to the left of the city was a dock not in use cast in shadow of one of the large ships. “There. Lets dock there and we won’t be too obvious coming in.” “Maybe we can blend into the crowd!” “speak for yourself.” Vix was wrapped in his long robe staring at the approaching harbor, trying to anticipate what they would encounter,. in this glowing city of fire.  
  Cordelia grunted as a thick bodied sailor pushed past. They had soon noticed all different shapes and sizes on inhabitants were here in this lively port city. “I’ve seen easily 10 or so of these cities on the surface, but never imagined one underground…” Skotmir looked curious. All the dwarves were ashen grey with cold dark eyes. White wiry beards shot from their chins like the coarse mane of a horse. “I have heard of these cousins of mine. That explains it.” “Explains what?” “there’s stories about those of us that live in the dark beneath the mountains and hills. They lose the love of the sun. and the love of pretty things. All things have a purpose, and to make it pretty is… is just a waste of time.”   They passed by a fish monger, shouting at the crowd and holding a large pale squid on the end of a long hook. The smell was coppery and strong but bidders were throwing hands up as fast as the auctioneer could rattle off his gradually increasing price. “We need to find a place to lay low” benedict said looking around. “What about that place there?” “The pale ale. Lets try it.” They walked up the creaky wooden steps of the inn to the iron bound door and slowly opened it.   They walked into what appeared to be a small tavern. 3 round tales stood empty. And 8 barstools were lined up at a clean and oiled deep mahogany bar. The welcome smell of a meaty stew and potatoes wafted to their noses. “Hi.” a grunting voice came from the bar as a bald grey head stood up, with white beard hanging straight down. The hair almost making a perfect triangle at the end against his black muslin apron.   “Step up. What will it be?” “uh…” they looked at each other. They had no coin or weapon. They had been hiding and avoiding every creature of the darkness with only a flint and steel and a dagger found at the raided campsite. “You are the surface dwellers Dode was talking about.” they looked at each other. Zorin froze. He had heard that name before.   “Yeah its you. Librarian, 2 elves, ugly dwarf and the rest of ya. He told me to take care of ya. What’ll it be?” They all looked at each other hesitating “Well, what’s cookin back there smiley?! HAHAHA!” Skotmir laughed as he sat heavily in a bar stool sized appropriately for his height  
  The meal was satiating but a little bland to anyone but this group. The meat was sweet and the potatoes savory, every bite brightened the palatte and the dash of salt excited the tongue. The stew was served with a coarse soda bread they softened by dipping it into the thin broth. The pasty mess was hastiliy shoved in benedicts bearded mouth with a smile. Zorin smiled at his friend, his mouth full as well the warm broth matting to the hair at the corners of thier mouth. they both nodded in approval. “MMMMMMMMMM” they all were happily eating the stew while Kegog the barkeep shook his head. “By the stone it wasn’t that good.. they must be touched in the head…” he grumbled.   Soon they finished sitting back in thier seats with smiles on thier faces. Even the cool and collected vix looked happy. “ah, that was amazing.” “it sure was!” “how bout some drinks? Hey Kegog can we order some drinks.” “i’ll be there in a moment hold yersef down.” Benedict mopped his short dark bearded cheeks. ”Ha! Hard to eat with a beard huh?” zorin laughed “you gonna keep it?” “No. The next thing im dreaming of is a bath and a shave.” “ha i’m dreaming of a bed!” “that’ll come soon enough now what’ll it be?” “Ale for me!” “and for I!” “make that three” “i’ll take… “ benedict paused trying to picture a cow in this underground landscape. He shuddered. “Just water will be fine.” “I will take a Mead” “as will I” “I would like a red wine please.” Sophie looked to Jade, who sat there thinking. “Jade? what would you like to drink?” “I… would like a red wine as well. That. That sounds good.” Sophie smiled at the memory of sharing a glass of wine with another elven friend, what seemed ages ago in port L’For.   Benedict followed the Bartender back to the bar.   “Excuse me Kegog, we are looking for a friend of ours.” “Dode, told me. The boy called Zane who went looking for ye.” He gripped 3 tankards under a large keg as the bitter liquid poured slowly building a white frothy cap on top. “If he was taken back to this town he wouldn’t be in a tavern for sure. He’d be at the slave market if he’s not sold by now.” “Slave market?” Benedict was stunned. Only the cruel and evil had slaves there were servants and workers of all types back in Port L’For but never slaves. Kegog continued.   “The market opens in 12 hours. An hour after that is the auction, if I were you I’d be there for the whole thing. Dode said to take care of your every cost but i don’t know where you’ll get the money. You can charge the cost back here for him to settle if you…” he paused in thought for a moment. Before he shook his head to clear it. “What was I? Oh, oh yeah you were supposed to get this.” he set the tin tankards down and reached under the bar. Handing Benedict a heavy sack of coins. “From Dode.” he turned back to his work and mumbled “ Just remember all things must be paid back to him. He always makes sure of it.”    
  this is yer room. Keep it quiet, and don’t disturb any of my other guests.”   Cordelia found it interesting that she hadn’t seen any other guests but nodded in agreement.   “Rest well.” Silently they all moved into the room. Their eyes opened up wide. The room had a bed for each one of them. There was a smell unfamiliar but not unlike Chamomille and lavender tea with cream and honey. The temperature was warm but not too hot, almost cozy amongst the tobacco brown walls and grey slate furnishings. Polished brass shone in accents throughout the room.   A doorway led to a seperate hall entitled Bathhouse. Benedict smiled as he walked towards it. Unfastening his armor for the first time since entering this world beneath worlds. It groaned as much as he did as the pieces dropped to the floor outside the doorway. He noted it seemed the only entrance was through the rooms meaning only patrons had access. He was no stranger to defending himself or others with nothing but his fists, he was willing to take the risk. There was soft steam wafted from the hallway when he opened the door to the bathhouse. He saw a small lump of soap, a bowl and a small razor on a tray by the doorway next to a pile of large towels. The gentle steam made the wooden varnished table wet with warm dew even from this distance. “Be back in a bit. I’m..” “SNOOOOOORE” he turned around to see everyone else was fast asleep.  
  A promise.” The voice whispered in his mind. He sat in the dark alone. He could feel the cold smooth stone beneath him. It felt like an eternity since he had seen the light outside the cell. The musty smell of stagnant water no longer burned his nose and he almost feared any light that would come in at this point. The chains around his wrists bit as he rubbed a cheek. “2 souls for the price of one.” 2 icey blue eyes seemed to glow in the darkness before him.   “Yes, 2… for one.”   |CAST|   | THE STRANGER – Phill Usher – Aethuran Dark Saga Podcast – https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/aethuran-dark-saga-634354   | VIX – Daniel Nichols – The Happy Go Lukky Podcast – https://happygolukky.com/   | KEGOG – Corbin Miller – Paudeville Podcast – https://paudeville.com/   | LORVANA BIRDSONG – Kara Danvers   |SKOTMIR – Colten Jannssen   | SOPHIE – Sarah Jenkins   | CORDELIA – Joleen Fresquez   | BENEDICT – Brian Dowling   | ZORIN – Cody Miller   | NARRATOR – Mike Atchley   Music/Production by Mike Atchley


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