S2E6 - The Prisoner in Ruby in Dice Tower Theatre Podcast | World Anvil

S2E6 - The Prisoner in Ruby

    The market bustled with the sounds of the people selling from the various carts opened to oneside revealing their contents. They all had similar designs, made of a dark gray wood that seemed to mimic stone. A small street barrier was made of a similar material as they entered the square. “What is this wood? Its stronger than any I’ve seen yet not brittle.” “Stone Birch” Skotmir replied Benedict looked at him questioningly as the name was unknown to him. “HAHAHA. Never heard of it eh? It grows under the hills. See it has what you would think of as roots growing into the earth but its actually upside down. Its bottom actually looks like a huge boulder on the surface, you would never know it was actually a tree.”   Benedict thought briefly of his craft as a blacksmith, and what a great wood to grace a sword’s pommel or maybe a hammer. He smiled for a moment before remembering their purpose today. The large podium at one end of the market was where individuals would be put on sale for purchase apparently. He shuddered slightly thinking of his brother Zane, again in chains. He looked at Zorin, who looked a bit pale, “Zorin how are you?” “I feel like garbage honestly but i’m sure it will pass. I think its the air of this city.” cordelia nodded “Yes, this air is foul, thought the market seems to be helping a bit. Come lets look at that fruit vendors wares.” she turned to the others. “We will catch up in a moment.” They nodded as they continued towards the podium, while cordelia and Zorin walked towards a cart where a halfling stood proud on a large crate talking to a shorthaired deep elf.   The smells of exotic fruits and spices lifted through the air a welcome change from the hazey smoke from the giant furnaces. Zorin took a shaky breath filling his nose with the identifiable cinnamon, oranges and cloves. There were other savory scents similar to rosemary and basil, and sharp cooling tones of mint. “ahhhh..” He smiled. This was much better. “Hey there, can I help you?” The Halfling turned to the two of them with a smile on his round and ruddy face. A gesture they hadn’t seen in a long time. “How much for the Mint?” “gimme a gold and you can have it my friend.” He winked at Zorin . He looked pleadingly at Cordelia who smiled and nodded. “Ok, its a deal” he placed the Gold piece in the small childlike hand of the merchant who grinned before rubbing the coin against a gold tooth in his mouth. grabbed the fistfull of mint and placed it in a burlap pouch. “SNNNNIIIIFFFF” He squeezed the pouch gently as he brought it to his bearded face. The soft cool vapors eased into his nose cooling the burning from the foul sulphuric and smoky air.   Sophie walked stoically through the crowd her eyes trained on the worn dark grey podium. The crowd was gathering around the foot of it. She saw many grey dwarves and dark elves talking amongst themselves and pointing at the stage. “Please be here. Please. Please don’t leave us again.” Her heart rate was fast, she hoped upon all hope to see his face again after all these weeks. Her hands were balled into fists. She realised it and quickly wiped her palms together and across the armor on her thighs briefly.   Vix and Skotmir looked on as well but Benedict looked very anxious as well. The crowd grew louder as the auctioneer walked out a white wiry beard laid across the round belly of his armor his heavy iron shanked boots fell heavily on the planks calling attention from everyone.   Zorin walked up to Sophie leaning in without drawing too much attraction “listen i’m going over to the other side where they can see me better. If he’s there we don’t give up until he’s free sound good?” she smiled “yes.” he turned to walk back into the crowd. “Hey, Zorin? Thanks.” he smiled and winked at her disappearing into the sea of people gathering she imagined in disgust to purchase the people soon to be displayed like a simple iron kettle or chipped vase.   The ashen grey dwarf announcer walked out on the stage, the heavy fall of his boots thundered from the wooden planks. He tugged at his beard before pulling out a scroll and barking at the crowd. “Starting off we have a prisoner who has served his sentence and looking to atone for his wrong doings with servitude. Servitude brings humility. Humility brings purpose. Purpose is life.” The crowd murmured at these last words. Sophie saw the grey dwarves in the crowd nod and and beat their chests in agreement. The prisoner was another grey dwarf. Standing proud in a muslin tunic belted with a rope cord at the waist his red eyes glowed with a fire. “Lets start the bidding at 5 gold pieces.” The crowd erupted with hands “theres 5 do we have 10?” Thus the auction began. Sophie bowed her head “Zane, please be here…please.”   The auction proceeded with several dwarves, an orc, and even a deep elf craftsman going to the various bidders. A hush fell across the crowd as they heard the shuffle of chains across the steps behind the stage. “Oh!” Sophies heart burst as she saw the bearded face of Zane appear. His golden hair hanging in matted locks about his shoulders. He was clad in the same dirty muslin tunic as the others. His face was dirty and his eyes were still adjusting to the light of the marketplace. Sophie felt something squeeze her hand. Looking down she saw Benedict’s face crack a hopeful smile “Zorin has this. I know it.”   “Now here’s a rare treat. A surface dweller. Lets start the bidding at 20 gold pieces” The crowd hesitated and Zorin’s hand shot up. “Theres 20, is there 25?” The crowd was silent, there was no need for the novelty of a surface dweller. He didn’t look like he could do the work of the others and this brought no purpose for the purchase. “I have 25.” The voice rang out from a cloaked dwarven figure standing on a stack of crates. The wiry white beard flowed from the blue black hood obscuring his face. Zorin looked back at his competition. “30 he shot back before the engineer could respond. This was all they had left in their purse that was given them at the inn that they bought supplies with. The man looked at him. His icy blue eyes locked on zorin. “40” Zorin’s heart sank. Then he thought for a moment, he could sell his new dagger and Benedict could sell his sword, they did say it was magical. This could work. “It’s all we have… It has to work.” he shot his hand up “50” he said. He saw the look on Sophie’s face she nodded.   “50 going once…” Zorin looked back at his competition standing on the stack of crates and saw the dwarf was gone  
  Skotmir rung his hands together while they waited in the cold stone lobby of the auction house. The granite benches were perfect in everyway he noted, running his hand on its side. Not one pit or rough spot. He sighed. But devoid of any makers mark or decoration. “This place is awful.” he muttered. “Sooner we can get out of here the better.” Vix nodded. “Indeed.”   The door behind them opened and Zane walked out smiling with a grinning Zorin. “Zane!” Sophie threw her arms around him. “Sophie.” he smiled over her strong shoulder as he breathed in the honey and lavender smell of her freshly washed hair. “I… I couldn’t bear to lose you again.” He pulled back and smiled. “Never again, Sophie. I swear on the sky and moon itself. I will never leave you again.” He was shaking as he pulled her back to his embrace. “Never.” “Thank you”   Vix turned to Zorin “So what deal did you make? Our new equipment still lies with us.”   Everyone turned to Zorin who smiled an awkward grin trying his best to mask his guilt “I have offered our help to the marshall to aid them in clearing out the sewers”   Skotmir stood up angrily “I am no plumber or thief. Find someone else to get dirty with…” “Stand down Son of the Garnet Mountains.” Her voice was strong and carried from behind zorin as she stepped out. She was a female dwarf clad in dark iron armor that consisted of hard angles around her short muscular frame. Snow white hair was pulled back in a single ponytail from her ashen grey face and eyes with deep blood red irises. “I am known as Ferra, Ferra Ironstone Marshall of the King’s Guard.” Over one shoulder was a warhammer, blackened grey like her armor the large rectangular head was simple and rounded from years of use. It was attached to a thick wooden handle studded with brass to enhance the grip in battle. She set it end down on the ground in front of her, leaning on it with her hands crossed. “I offered to pay for your friends freedom after Zorin and I spoke about your ability to help us with a rather… worrisome issue.” Benedict stepped forward. “What troubles this city?”   “There is a foul magic creeping into our hearts. Many of us have left the forges and become complacent.” She looked at the ground contemplating. “Even our king is sick. He refuses to see anyone and keeps to himself all day. He has not sent out his tasks in months and many of our people looked forward to his mighty commands. It gave us…” “Purpose” Cordelia interrupted gently. The red eyes flared. “Yes.” she hissed “Our purpose… outsider. “ she sighed. “As I was saying we are all falling slowly victim to this… apathy.” “What do you need us to do?” Benedict bowed slightly in respect of the Marshall’s station.   She sneered and shook her head at the unneeded formalities. “Heh… We believe the source is somewhere deep in the sewers below the city. Clean it out.” She stared at benedict who nodded. “Thank you for freeing our friend. We shall do this immediately. “ She nodded. And casting a final glance at Skotmir spun on her heel and walked back into the auction house.   >>>>>>   “Well the smell isn’t so bad now at least.” Hours had passed as they made their way by torchlight. Led by Zorin at the front he periodicly pausd to inspect the smooth stone wall. They had found an entrance to another set of tunnels from the main sewer shortly after entering the system. The entrance was trapped magically and was triggered recently by the dead guard lying on the floor. Benedict leaned down clutching at his chest where once his silver pendant was. “Knight lord please welcome this weary soul to the anvils of your realm.” “We have no time for the dead.” Vix brushed his hands on his robes briskly freeing them of the chalky dust that clung to them. “*big sigh* We must do this deed and get on our way.” Jade looked at them with purpose. “I agree, we must continue. Zorin let’s go.” They had ducked into the dark hallway then Zorin noted. Again that was hours ago.   Faint voices could be heard down the hall also the faint glow of fire light was becoming more apparent.   “Hold up.” Zorin forced a whisper at the top of his breath to reach everyone. Benedict motioned to stop Cordelia and Jade both nodding at the rear of the group.   There was a charcoal taste in the air as something was being burned down the hall but in a well ventilated room apparently. It seemed there were multiple voices in the distance all gravelly male voices. “I’ll scout ahead” “A grand Idea. don’t take too long.” Skotmir shook his head at Vix. “Be safe” Zorin nodded and handing his torch back to Skotmir faded into the shadows.   “What the…” Zorin peered around the corner and had to blink several times to adjust to the light of the room. The room was immense not unlike the inside of a tall chapel. tall pillars towered into the air supporting the ceiling 100’s of feet high at 6 points around the room. Where they pressed into the floor with their 15 foot bases showed a 6 pointed star connecting them in the center was a platform raised 8 feet from the ground surrounded by steps leading up to the backs of 4 chanting grey dwarves dressed in dark robes. He looked back at his friends and motioned for them to come up quietly to his position. He then ducked into the room sticking to the left wall to work his way around the perimeter for a better view. The stone was smooth and unlike above there were carvings in it depecting scenes. He ran his hand along the side of a cow being led by a young maiden to a nearby stream. He shook his head, no time for sight seeing even if it was being done by his hands.   “We beseach you. You the true queen of the void please answer our call and grant us your blessing! Dark Queen hold this unbeliever in your stony gaze! May he taste the poison air from your breath! The elements at your command! My beautiful Queen!” Zorin snuck closer bracing behind a pillar. He spied a chest at the top of the stairs he could stay within the shadows of. He made his way crawling up the stairs. Peering around the side of the chest he could see the 5 headed dragon on thier robes. He froze. He thought of a night very long ago. “Come child and let me show you the power of my queen.” The dark cleric standing by his hated father’s side. “We shall free you our Queen! You will rule the air again! You will take your rightful place alongside the dark prince together ruling this world and above! HAHAHA!” The dwarf cackled maniacally. His red eyes wide and arms oustretched towards the fire hiding a crooked staff of ash. The altar at the center had a dark black tapestry covering it but something glowed red faintly from beneath the dusty shroud.   A creaking groan came from across the room sounding like a giant steel and stone sliding against each other. Zorin noticed across from him leaning against a pillar was a huge humanoid form. Standing 12 Feet tall and holding a large mace in one hand the 2 heads of the giant turned to each other and snarled out of boredom. Zorins heart was racing. He looked back, and could see benedict at the entrance, slowly sneaking in with Jade and Skotmir. He waved a hand careful to keep it out of sight for them to stop when “KERCHUNK” “AHH!” the trap sprung sending a large metal claw into Benedicts calf.   “Intruders! Kill them!” “Greta will kill for Dark Queen!” Cordelia paused for a moment as Vix stepped forward “TY-SAH!” 3 spiked balls of energy shot from his hands knocking one of the dwarves back in the air to land lifeless on his back. His experience with the arcane was apparent she smiled glad he was on her side. She pulled a familiar bolt of fire into her palms before releasing it into another cultist. Zorin watched in horror as Greta the Giantess slammed the spiked mace into a pillar barely missing the dodge of Benedict. Benedict spun up and drove his sword into the ground releasing a blast of magical energy slamming into Gretas exposed flank. “GRAGGH!” Zane and Sophie charged into the fray. Zane had his two daggers drawn while sophie’s new long sword was over one shoulder with two hands preparing to strike as they met the group of cultists. Sophie dropped the blade into the first dwarven cultist at the shoulder while zane lept from the side of the pillar driving one blade into his neck finishing the job. Skotmir roared his battle ax gleamed as he drove it into another cultist sending him on his back in a heap. Zorin ran up to the last cultist as he prepared a spell in a dark language” AK-STAH-FO-NES-TAH!” A bolt of lightning shot out and struck Skotmir hard in the chest. “GARGH!” he yelled shaking his head wildly to clear the biting sparks in his mind. The smell of singed hair snapped him out of it as it burned his nostrils. He saw zorin drive his rapier into his back dropping him dead almost immediately. “You can’t stop me little man!” Skotmir saw Greta swing wildly at Benedict. “Skotmir send me up!” he turned behind him to see Sophie dashing at him. Without thinking he crouched down offering his hands at the floor. Sophie stepped into them “GRAGGGHHH!!!” and with one huge effort he sent her into the air with her sword raised aiming to strike the back of the large giantess. “BGRAGH!” Greta roared as the blade cut deep into her back, passing easily beyond the moldy loose leather armor. She dropped to the ground dropping her mace to the floor. Benedict struck with his great sword one of her heads rending it silent. Sophie roared as she picked up the huge mace with both arms bringing it down on the other head in one final stroke.   They panted in that silent room surveying the scene. Sophie smiled and nodded at benedict who smiled back both pleased in how well and fast they worked together.   “Hey everyone, you aren’t going to believe this.”   He was standing next to the altar but had thrown the dusty shroud from it. He had revealed there were bars of a cage under it, made of solid ruby. They pulsed with a deep red light revealing a tall silverhaired elf sitting inside.   |CAST|   | FERRA IRONSTONE- Nikki Richardson – Top of the Round Podcast – https://www.totrpodcast.com/ | THE STRANGER – Phill Usher – Aethuran Dark Saga Podcast – https://www.podchaser.com/podcasts/aethuran-dark-saga-634354 | THE AUCTIONEER – Trevor Rupe – Dungeons Deep RPGs – https://dungeonsdeeprpgs.simplecast.com/ | HALFLING MERCHANT – Bhavneet Athwal – Drive With Us Podcast – https://drivewithuspodcast.com/ | CULTIST – Brian Penaloza – Soul Bear RPG – https://soulbearprod.com/ | GRETA THE ETTIN – Steph Dewey – Montane Punk – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgk5padshDZoMVemuDS3ZaQ | VIX – Daniel Nichols – The Happy Go Lukky Podcast – https://happygolukky.com/ | JADE – Kara Danvers | SKOTMIR – Colten Jannssen | SOPHIE – Sarah Jenkins | CORDELIA – Joleen Fresquez | BENEDICT – Brian Dowling | ZORIN – Cody Miller | ZANE – Storm S Cone | NARRATOR – Mike Atchley


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