S2E7 - The Song in the Dream in Dice Tower Theatre Podcast | World Anvil

S2E7 - The Song in the Dream

    The monkey chirped from a shoulder both happy for their freedom and in worried anticipation of the liberators. Not completely trusting it shrieked at Cordelia when she tried to come near.   “Abu doesn’t like you. I’m sorry.” the cold voice of the tall elf was quiet and hushed. He looked like the rest of the Viridian Elves Vix noted. Though he was much taller standing almost 7 feet, and most elve and his white hair made him look more like the drow except for his plum colored eyes. “You are taller than most and your hair and eyes are not common to our people. Are you from this place?” The elf known as Eralin turned to Vix and cooly regarded his question. “Noone is truly from here. I’ve found in my time imprisoned here though many come to visit eventually. Thank you again. I have no idea how many years have passed that I’ve been trapped in that cage.” “Where are you from?” Benedict asked. Eralin paused. “I… I was a sailor. My ship was The Nautilus our beloved Captain Dorito fell to a band of pirates to which I myself was imprisoned… Tortured.” He paused in silence looking away to the distant hallways darkness. “… bound and ended up here. I know not much else.”   Nearby Zorin opened the chest he had hid behind. He easily picked the ancient lock and the large ornate brass clasp easily creaked from its post freeing the lid. It was heavy and dense but free of age and rot despite the layer of dust. He peered inside.   He saw an ornate Rapier. Green and purple gems graced the sterling silver guard and scabbard glinting in the light. He smiled as he lifted it out of its resting place. “That’s a gorgeous weapon Zorin.” “Thank you.” Zorin stared at Benedict for a moment wondering where the voice came from. “I…Uh” “Well don’t be stupid tell him thank you silly!” “he looked down at the sword. The voice was coming from the sword. He quickly looked at Benedict “Yes.. YES! It is, it is isn’t it.” “Yeah… well it suits you.” “See? We were meant to be together your friend even thinks so! Tee-hehehe!” “did you hear that?” “hear what?” Zorin raised an eyebrow testing the waters. “A voice?” “Just us.” “He can’t hear me silly! Hehehe!” “I uh…” “you sure you are ok?” Benedict approached him “maybe the air is getting to you I could…” “I’M FINE!” Benedict paused his eyes raised in mock surprise at his friends outburst. Zane smiled finding humor in the situation. “Thank you. I’m fine… just a bit weary. Uh …Thanks.” He stumbled off to sit on the steps with his new blade.   Benedict shook his head with a chuckle. “Heh, ok old friend. Its ok.”   >>>>>>   Skotmir sat at his bedside thinking, looking out the window at the large underground city. The flames rumbled periodically from the towering furnaces sending plumes of fire and smoke rolling into the air. He thought of the Marshalls face when they told her they had completed the journey and what they had found. She looked very disturbed by the news though her voice carried the same stone borne strength he had come to expect of her. “Get some rest. We will meet here in the morning to discuss our King.” She had turned away he noted and brushed a cheek. “I fear this has had no effect on his condition.”   He yawned noticing the rest of his friends were asleep and flopping back onto the bed he closed his eyes.   >>>>>>   Skotmir saw his father in front of the great forgehammer of thier people. To his right was Thotmir his brother. They were identical save for Thotmir’s dark blue armor and dirty blonde beard he wore in a single braid. Skotmir never liked the feel of thier traditional armor. Too restrictive. He was a Boar’s Head fighter. A berserker who did better without being trapped in armor and was known for the ferocity of the wild boar in battle. They were outcasts. He shouldn’t be in this room.   “Thotmir.” “My brother why are you here?” Thotmir’s eyes studied him uncomfortably. “You left us why do you return?” before Skotmir could reply thotmir raised a hand to silence him. “It matters not… for” he looked away and back at thier father on the huge podium. “We need you not.” Thier father stood with his back turned to them. His long white beard braided in the center pulled neatly from the golden crown on his head. He set the Jeweled hammer down on the anvil and turned.   “Yes, Skotmir. Do you know why you are here?” “Father, no I…” “You are here because you need to collect and bring back the last of the 6 winds, and an artifact that has been forgotten in time. You have found 1 of these.”   ——————-   She sat in the chair mending a seam on a white tunic.. “Zane is so hard on his clothes.” She chuckled to herself rocking back and forth. “Mama, tell me about the dragons. ” Lorahana looked at her with a slightly tired expression. She paused then smiled succumbing to the pleading voice of her child. “Oh all right. What do you want to know?” “Thier magic.” Her voice changed she felt control over this dream now, over this memory. “Remember dragon magic is powerful magic. A magic that can pass through time and over great distances. Magic weapons in many ways are forged from dragon magic, whether actually touched by the dragon’s spirit or …just mimicked. At its core Dragon magic can work wonders and even may upon its destruction or freeing… I’ve heard grant wishes.” She stopped rocking and thought for a moment. “It’s probably best dragons haven’t been seen for so many years, my sweet Cordelia.”   ———————   He could smell the hot coals before he felt its warm familiar heat. His hand was resting on a rough oak table where a 4 inch red eyed Dragon Turtle carved of pure silver sat. CLANG the great arm brought down the hammer to the red hot iron sending sparks scattering away. The deep voice resonated “What are you looking for benedict?”   “An artifact of power. But thats all we know. “   Erebus laughs as he thrusts the iron back into fire   “I suppose the real question is what do you really need?” Benedict thought for a moment. Erebus taught him a solution wouldn’t be found looking directly for it. Instead he was to find the path or tool and work towards it.   “A light. A light for this terrible darkness.”   Erebus nodded as he pulls out a raw jagged iron rod from the table.   “You have always gone through life yearning for something bigger, but you’ve never found what you had within first… and then find what you are without.” He walked towards the work bench   “Take this iron, by itself it seems strong” he thrusts it into a crook of the wooden plank at the end of the bench, “and can do the job in most cases i suppose” he shrugs. In one swift stroke he comes down on it with the hammer shattering the iron. “but under a different force its actually brittle”   “But if you work it in the smoke and fire it becomes steel” he points at the hammer. He then walks over to Benedict who then realises realise how young and small he is, and how big he seems.   “Smoke and Fire are simple things. But they need to get… inside the iron. You are this Iron but now you’ve found the Fire of the Knightlord have you not?” Benedict nodded a little embarrassed at himself. Erebus patted his shoulder smiling. “Then Benedict, maybe, you have already found what you came for.”   ———–   In the morning the group all had been sharing the majority of these stories with each other. Each of them in turn were entertained if nothing more by eachother’s company. All save for Vix   “Humph, you all never cease to amaze me with your silly stories.” He stated picking up a towel leaving for the bathhouse. “I’ll return shortly then we best get moving to Marshall Ironstone. She doesn’t seem to be one who likes to wait.”   The group sat there in silence for a moment. “I dreamt of my family too.” He sighed knowing he couldn’t keep it from them any longer. “Though not as pleasant….”   Isaw a boy about 10 years old sneaking in a room he should not be in. It was a room of oddities surrounding a desk. Brains in jars, small hideous creatures in jars with labels and unpronouncable names. It was me but as if I was out of my body. On the cetral oak table is a basketball shaped object covered with an embroidered cloth. The object seemed to slightly pulse in size as I approached mesmerised.   “Pooooor motherless Chiiiiild…Coooooommmmeeee heeeerrrrrreeee Chiild…” it hissed at me. Like steam from ice in boiling oil… and just as dangerous “..Iiii Caaaan hellllp yooooouuu. Iiiii wiiiillll love yoooouuu. Come to my arrrrrms, let me whisper sweeetness in your ears and coveeerrr you in kissssses you nevvvver haaaad…”   As I raised the edge of the fabric I saw a faint green light fading in and out, in and out like the waves on the sea. I had never seen the sea back then… anyways Bands of script appeared in a bright gold contrasted against the green fog within. I wanted to reach in so badly, tears streaming down my face as that voice became sweeter, motherly, familiar. “Please son, won’t you let me hold you?”   Footsteps in the hall broke my trance. I gasped and looked around sharply for an escape. None could be found readily as the only way in or out was the hall which the footsteps are coming from. This was my fathers office I was never allowed in my father’s office. I saw a small table next to the cushioned bench used for reading or guests he never had. I dove under hoping it was enough. “With this I can control dragons for you, as you do, my love… The boy? He is weak, nothing like his mother.” The boy begins to sneak out of the room but bumps the table leg causing a small candle to rattle in its mooring. The giant man turns around and as he spins, he notices the boy under the table. With a mighty arm he flips the table up and out of the way, exposing him to the wrath of the much larger man.   His voice may be eerily cool but it rings like thunder, “Ariakan, what have I told you about being in my study?!”   He kicks the child into the bookcase with a single strike, a small cloud of dust from the neglected tomes rising from the impact. He hastily covers the orb with a cloth as he bears down on him with more blows. A call from outside is heard,”hey there! Can Zorin come out and play?” The knocking at the door causes him to pause. “Go away, Zane!” he booms towards the front door, then turns slowly with a maniacal grin towards the boy, “Zorin, can’t play today.” Zorin knows if he even whimpers he will just get more of the same if not worse. He grits his teeth and vows he will never carry his father’s name as a huge fist crashes across his brow. And all fades to black.   Zane was staring at his friend. “I.. I remember that day.” he wrapped his arms around him “I’m sorry.” “I’m not. He will be the sorry one.” Zorin brushed his eye then looked at his best friend. His eyes were gentle and calm as usual. “Thanks buddy. Did you dream of anything?” “Naw, I was out. What about you Jade?”   Jade thought for a moment while restringing her bow. “Yes I had a dream…” she thought looking outside, “But I assure you it was of no importance. It was of another time. Another life.”   Cordelia raised an eyebrow but quickly smiled “well lets get moving the Marshall’s waiting for us.” As they all gathered their things Jade remembered more of her dream. A dream of dear friends from a long time ago.   They are all poised on the ridge astride 6 warhorses overlooking a huge Barbarian army in the green valley below. Their shouts and jeers are muffled at this distance by the gentle breeze. It was spring she remembers.   She sees the village in flames behind the raiders, her keen nose filling with the iron and smoke of the slaughter below. She notices the Raven haired mage at her right turn away as they see a few knights bodies are being paraded around by them. They are celebrating the slaughter they all came to atone for.   “It is just us then?” A knight states plainly turning her head to the black haired leader. Her dirty blonde hair hung gently to the shoulder cut in a short style to ensure mobility in the heavy plate of her torso. A style all but Jade and the Mage were wearing. The knight carried a polearm with a swooping blade at on end. It was.. a glaive Jade remembered, but couldn’t remember her name. Or any of their names for that matter. Just that this was her tribe, her family. Next to the mage a tall honey haired man drew his longsword. A sword that looked like the emblem of Crown and Sword they all were wearing on their tunics. On her left the short hickory colored hair of another man blew gently as he prayed. Her heart leapt slightly when his blue eyes fell on her and smiled.   |CAST|   | FERRA IRONSTONE- Nikki Richardson – Top of the Round Podcast – https://www.totrpodcast.com/   | LARAHANA SHIELDHEART – Laura Jerdak – https://www.facebook.com/JessoLaurusRex/   | EREBUS SHIELDHEART – Jesse Phillips – https://www.facebook.com/JessoLaurusRex/   | VIX – Daniel Nichols – The Happy Go Lukky Podcast – https://happygolukky.com/   | LORD PALLUS – Ian Wilkinson   | JADE – Kara Danvers   | SKOTMIR – Colten Jannssen   | SOPHIE – Sarah Jenkins   | CORDELIA – Joleen Fresquez   | BENEDICT – Brian Dowling   | ZORIN – Cody Miller   | ZANE – Storm S Cone   | NARRATOR – Mike Atchley   All Music/Production by Mike Atchley


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