War of Champions

Also known as the war of the Stone   as told by Vindalas the Golden, Commander of the Veridian Dragoons The following is as written by his bedside testimony during the First moon in Spring of the year 937. In days that only us elves can remember and man had forgotten were times of great despair and death. Dragons, giants, dwarves, elves and men were engaged in battle slaughtering many across the landscape both good and evil alike. The western continent became a focal point for this warring, and an ancient Mesa known only as “The First Stone”.   Standing hundreds of feet high with a perfectly flat top and a large smooth horn jutting from one side pointing to the east it was a sight to see. Standing in the middle of the continent upon one of the many hills of the central forest. A forest I am sad to say met its end during this time, but wait. I get ahead of myself.   This “First Stone” was black like the night itself but flaked with peacock colored flecks of multiple colors. It was impossible to break and emitted a strange power all about it. An ancient power. My lord at the time looked at it with a reverence I had never seen before. He saw something both great and terrible in this monolith.   So did the rest of the world. Some wished to use it for good or evil claiming it could do great things. Some refused to let anyone control it for fear of the good or evil it could do. It became known as the god’s forge supposedly a way for a mortal to ascend into godhood. Regardless war would be waged to determine its end. And end it did.   See noone knows what truly caused it, and those that saw it are gone now. Some say there came a great flash from the heavens as a smoking flaming fist of the gods struck. Some say it looked like a great ancient giant’s hammer others say it was created by man as a weapon known only as “the destroyer of worlds” and others say someone tried to ascend and lost thier challenge to the gods themselves.   The result was the same. In that flash the First Stone detonated and spread outward pushing man, giant, elf and dwarf along with rivers and mountains outward. Along with those beautiful trees. Rippling from the center to form the Great Glen valley we know today.   The remains of the First Stone ended up in 5 places. We made a truce with man and a promise. We would never let anyone gain control of the “First Stone” again. It would be guarded in its pieces by erecting 5 citidels on top of its remains. Each named for the color of its foundational stone.   The Celestine Tower in the center was the tallest so it could oversee all of the Glen all at the same time. Towering thousands of feet in the sky one of the few things taller than the ancient giants., The Ivory Library, where the worlds chronicles and science were collected and stored. The Jade Temple where ones spiritual journey could find an epicenter also guarded the way to and from the now Shattered Lands to the north. Garnet Keep guarding the bloody lands of the south and The Obsidian Fortress guarding the wild and unknown northwest.   This ended the war and began our current calendar.   Soon following this the countries of the west began forming outside the Glen. The rich aristocracy of Darkovnia formed with the baronies and being the primary trade route linking the east and the west. The Trolls, orcs and bandits populated the south in Trull erecting the great colosseum at the foot of the pair of volcanoes known as the Twins. The reserved martial artists for peace far to the west. One of the lost northern peoples only known as wolflings settled outside the gates of the Obsidian Tower naming the land after them, remaining reclusive behind that great dark bastion.
Start Date
Ending Date


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