
Kelemvor (formerly Kelemvor Lyonsbane), also known as the Lord of the Dead and Judge of the Damned, is the god of death and the Dead, and master of the Crystal Spire in the Fugue Plane. In his mortal days, Kelemvor was a skilled mercenary, with the heart of a noble paladin, concealed under rude manners and thwarted by his mysterious family curse.   Fair yet cold, Kelemvor is the god of death and the Dead—the most recent deity to hold this position, following in the footsteps of Jergal, Myrkul, and Cyric. Unlike these other Deities, who made the Afterlife an uncertain and fearful thing, Kelemvor urges knowledge that death is a natural part of life and should not be feared as long as it is understood.   Kelemvor is one of the most unwilling and conflicted of the "New Gods." Although he has a fierce revulsion for undead, his hatred is reserved for "undead by choice" (such as liches). He has sympathy for haunts, apparitions, and revenants that exist because someone died without being able to finish a Task, mission, or achievement that dominated their lives at the time of death, or so violently and "unfairly" that revenge or at least public identification of their slayer (as a warning to others) leaves them unable to "rest." So Kelemvor will turn a blind eye to "unfinished business" undead, but stand against those who seek to cheat death and achieve undeath thereby.   Kelemvor is a taciturn deity, and until recently was not completely sure of himself or his role. He has placed such uncertainties behind him, however, and approaches his duty as judge of the Afterlife earnestly, tempering his strong sense of justice with kindness and forthrightness. He is not, however, particularly clever, and prefers to solve problems with direct action that sometimes leads to unintended results.   -- Kelemvor (possibly also called N'asr): God of death, the Dead. Lawful Neutral. Kelemvor's story is of a mortal turned god.

Kelemvor (formerly Kelemvor Lyonsbane), also known as the Lord of the Dead and Judge of the Damned. The party saw one of his priests.

Current Location
Fugue Plane
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Current Location
Current Residence
Crystal Spire in the Fugue Plane
Aligned Organization