Salt Route
The trail running from Tashál to Côranan. Although many goods now move in both directions, the trail was so named because it was first used to transport salt from Thârda to Káldôr. Ninety percent of the traffic is carried by two great annual caravans, one in spring bearing salt and other goods from western Hârn to Tashál, and the other in early autumn conveying the products of eastern Hârn and Lythia to Côranan. At other times, smaller groups of merchants use the trail, but most are reluctant to risk the danger posed by the tribesmen along the way. West of the Fárin River, the trail is sporadically patrolled by a few companies of the Ramala Legion. The trail east of Trobridge Inn is intermittently guarded by forces of the King of Kaldor. Neither state is able to exert as much control over the eastern portion as the Kath, Chelni, and Tulwyn tribes.
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