Túzyn Time
Túzyn Reckoning divides the year into twelve, thirty-day, lunar months. A full moon (Yaélah) occurs on the fifteenth of each month, and a new moon (Yaélmor) on the thirtieth. The year begins with the vernal equinox, the first day of spring. The names of the months are of religious origin. Túzyn Reckoning does not have a week per se. A tenday (three per month) is a common convenience, and a Hínyaèl (half-month) is sometimes used. In some regions and/or institutions the days are given names of their own, but there is nowhere near the conformity of usage there is with month names. A day has four watches of four hours each. Each hour is divided into sixty minutes, and each minute into sixty seconds.The Measures of Duration
- 60 Seconds = 1 Minute
- 60 Minutes = 1 Hour
- 4 Hours = 1 Watch
- 6 Watches = 1 Day
- 10 Days = 1 Tenday
- 3 Tendays = 1 Month
- 12 Months = 1 Year
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