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The Crumbling Tower

The Crumbling Tower, known as Van Richan's Tower, stands as a haunting and decrepit structure amidst the desolate landscape of Barovia. Once a place of grandeur and knowledge, it now serves as a somber reminder of the ravages of time and the relentless grip of decay.   The Tower reaches towards the heavens with weathered stone walls that bear the scars of centuries. Its architecture, a blend of Gothic and Barovian styles, speaks of a bygone era when the tower was a beacon of wisdom and arcane power. However, its current state tells a different tale.   The tower's exterior is marked by the passage of time, with crumbling masonry and ivy tendrils that cling to the weather-worn stones. Windows, once adorned with intricate stained glass, now stand vacant or boarded up, casting eerie shadows within. The roof, tattered and broken, reveals glimpses of the desolate sky above.   Inside,the tower's interior echoes with silence and abandonment. Dusty corridors wind through the levels, lined with shelves that once held a vast collection of tomes and arcane artifacts. The air hangs heavy with the scent of decay, and the occasional creaking of wooden beams serves as a melancholic symphony of neglect.   The once majestic study, with its towering bookcases and grand oak desk, now lies in disarray. Piles of forgotten scrolls and decaying books litter the floor, their knowledge lost to time. Faded tapestries hang askew from the walls, their colors faded and threads frayed.   As one ventures higher in the tower, the ascent becomes more treacherous. Staircases sag and groan underfoot, and the upper levels are mere remnants of their former glory. The once magnificent observatory, with its shattered telescopes and cracked lenses, reveals only fractured glimpses of the starless Barovian sky.


In recent times the tower has played host as the home of both Van Richan and Ezmerelda d'Avenir as they independently hunted, studied and recovered from their monster hunting exploits. At this moment the tower stands empty used only for shelter from Barovian nights.
Tower, Mage

Cover image: by Nezza - Using Midjourney


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