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The Death House

Legend has it that the Death House became the twisted domain of the Durst family after a series of disturbing events. The family, plagued by a sinister presence, succumbed to madness, leading to their tragic demise. The spirits of the Durst children, Rose and Thorn, were trapped within the house, their souls bound by a curse.


A courageous party of adventurers, under the misapprehension they were assisting two childred find their infant brother uncovered the secrets of the Death House, after embarked on a perilous journey. Through their bravery and determination, they managed to release the Durst children from their curse, reuniting them with the spirit of their father.   During their quest, the party faced a formidable foe—an abomination known as the Flesh Mound. A horrifying amalgamation of rotting flesh and twisted limbs, the Flesh Mound posed a grave threat to the adventurers. In a valiant battle, the party confronted the abomination, ultimately bringing about its demise. However, the victory came at a cost, as Godfrey, one of the party members, lost his life during the intense struggle.   In a twist of fate, Godfrey was offered a lifeline by Sylvara Nightwing, the Temptress of Shadows. Intrigued by his valor and potential, she extended an offer to return him to existence. Drawn into a pact with Sylvara, Godfrey Younghall was given a second chance, though the consequences and implications of this arrangement remain shrouded in shadow.   The Death House, despite the release of the Durst children and the defeat of the Flesh Mound, continues to stand as a foreboding monument of darkness. Its halls whisper with secrets untold, and the malevolent force that once plagued the Durst family lingers, awaiting further exploration and confrontation by those who dare to venture into its haunted depths.   Note: Caution is advised for any individuals considering an expedition into the Death House, as it poses significant risks to the physical and mental well-being of those who enter.

Variations & Mutation

Rooms: The rooms within the Death House each hold their own macabre secrets and haunting tales. The library is filled with dusty tomes and forgotten knowledge, its shelves lined with books whose pages have yellowed with age. The dining hall bears the remnants of an abandoned feast, with rotting food and tarnished silverware.   The nursery is filled with broken toys and tattered children's clothing, emanating an unsettling aura. The master bedroom holds a decrepit canopy bed, draped in moth-eaten curtains, with an eerie presence lingering in the air. In the basement, a hidden chamber reveals a sacrificial altar, hinting at the dark rituals that once took place within these walls.   Whispers echo through the halls, and cold drafts send shivers down their spines. Illusory apparitions appear and disappear, their fleeting presence leaving an eerie impression.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting

Cover image: by Nezza - Using Midjourney


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