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Cosmic Gods & The Cosmic Wardens

The Gods of Cosmos, also known as the Cosmic Gods, are those deities in service to the Titan of Balance, Melodia. Their purpose is to ensure that order and chaos, or any other set of forces, do not fall too far out of balance with each other. Their presence on Earth is limited, mainly restricted to the ten Cosmic Wardens and a singular Watcher.  

Watchers in Crystal

The Watchers in Crystal are a group of Yazata, djinn-level deities, whose purpose is to maintain vigil over worlds blessed by their titanic creator. They ensure that such worlds do not fall out of balance, and issue warnings to the gods of such worlds when the hostile forces of Avruin, Titan of Chaos or Zaraz, Titan of Order may be approaching.   Earth has but a single Watcher, Juimalla. The few that once watched with her have abandoned Earth, believing it too far out of balance to be saved. It is unknown if Juimalla continues her vigil out of faith in the Earthlings, or because she has been commanded to remain. The Veil of Bulwark, which refers to both the section of the Crystal Bulwark relative to Earth and the spell that prevents divination and most teleportation to or from Earth, is where Juimalla resides, alongside the ever-straining spirit of the Great Scion.

Cosmic Wardens

The ten gods that each guard one of the Mana Temples of Earth. Except for Alasdrexa, they all had perfect avatars before becoming Cosmic Wardens, though she was granted one to facilitate her role.   Their primary job is to make sure their respective temples are not defiled or destroyed, and secondarily to protect Earth from the hive-minded legions of Order, the Juncture, and the dissparate Forces of Chaos.


Greater Djinn


Species / Sex: Yazata ⚲♀
Alignment: True Neutral
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Veil of Bulwark
Divine Faction: Watchers in Crystal
Divine Domains: Balance, Magic, Wisdom
Divine Casters: Exorcists
Nature Mentor: No
Sacred Oaths: None
Portfolio: Yazata that watches over Earth in Melodia's stead


Lesser Gods


Species / Sex:
Seraph ♂
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Ether
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Balance, Dragon, Moon, Reality, Space, Time
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Seers, Vicars, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: Emerald
Portfolio: Formerly god of Laxra’s moon, currently Keeper of Brown Mana; dragon god

Intermediate Gods


Species / Sex: Seraph ♀
Alignment: True Neutral
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Earth
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Balance, Dragon, Earth, Ice, Matter, Metal, Wood
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Seers, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: None
Portfolio: Formerly the seventh Laxranian planet warden, currently Keeper of Orange Mana; dragon goddess


Species / Sex: Seraph ♀
Alignment: True Neutral
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Unity
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Balance, Creation, Dragon, Magic, Protection, Reality, Wisdom
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Divine Curates, Duelists, Ecclesitheurges, Exorcists, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Rectors, Seers, Templars, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: Gold
Portfolio: Formerly the matron goddess of the Laxranian dragon pantheon, currently Keeper of Indigo Mana, and leader of the Cosmic Wardens


Species / Sex: Seraph ♀
Alignment: Neutral Good
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Light
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Balance, Dragon, Healing, Light, Repose, Sky, Sun
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Exorcists, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Seers, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: Hospitaler
Portfolio: Formerly the first Laxranian planet warden, currently Keeper of White Mana; dragon goddess


Species / Sex: Seraph ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Water
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Balance, Chaos, Destruction, Dragon, Matter, Secrets, Water
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Hydromancers, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Rectors, Seers, Vicars, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: Brass, Dread
Portfolio: Formerly the fifth Laxranian planet warden, currently Keeper of Blue Mana; dragon god


Species / Sex: Seraph ♀
Alignment: Lawful Evil
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Wind
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Air, Balance, Dragon, Evil, Lightning, Sky, Weather
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Seers, Valkyries, Vicars, Vikings, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: Black
Portfolio: Formerly the sixth Laxranian planet warden, currently Keeper of Yellow Mana; dragon goddess


Species / Sex: Seraph ♂
Alignment: Neutral Evil
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Death
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Balance, Blight, Corruption, Death, Dragon, Fear, Suffering
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Seers, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: None
Portfolio: Formerly the fourth Laxranian planet warden, currently Keeper of Violet Mana; dragon god


Species / Sex: Seraph ♀
Alignment: Chaotic Good
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Life
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Animal, Balance, Dragon, Healing, Life, Plant, Wood
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oracles, Seers, Vicars, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: Hospitaler
Portfolio: Formerly goddess of plants and agriculture on Laxra, currently Keeper of Green Mana; dragon goddess


Species / Sex: Seraph ♂
Alignment: Lawful Good
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Darkness
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Balance, Darkness, Dragon, Entropy, Gravity, Ice, Order
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Seers, Vicars, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: Silver
Portfolio: Formerly the eighth Laxranian planet warden, currently Keeper of Black Mana; dragon god


Species / Sex: Seraph ♂
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
League Sanction: Sanctioned
Sacred Realm: Crystalline Sphere of Fire
Divine Faction: Cosmic Wardens
Divine Domains: Balance, Chaos, Destruction, Dragon, Fire, Light, Passion
Divine Casters: Chaplains, Deliverers, Diabolists, Divine Curates, Ecclesitheurges, Ex-Vicars, Friars, Inquisitors, Minstrels, Oirans, Oracles, Seers, Vicars, Wild Pontiffs, Witches
Nature Mentor: Yes
Sacred Oaths: Brass, Dread
Portfolio: Formerly the second Laxranian planet warden, currently Keeper of Red Mana

Mythology & Lore

According to the agents of harmony, the universe, in its infancy, was completely out of balance. The first two Titans, Alphus, Titan of Reality and Megomus, Titan of the Nether, were born as a set of twins, intended to balance the material universe, and bring it into sync with the nether universe. However, Megomus and Alphus disagreed on how best to do this and eventually began fighting. Their terrible conflict was endurable by the mystical nether, but reality was endangered by their conflict. Eventually, Alphus concocted a clever gambit, and the haughty Megomus fell for it.   Alphus devoured much of Megomus' titanic essence and cast his corpse into the nether. What was left of Megomus' essence split into thirds, becoming the three younger Titans, Avruin, Melodia, and Zaraz. At first, Melodia's power was strongest, second only to their "uncle" Alphus. Avruin and Zaraz, so diametrically opposed, immediately went to war with each other. As these three had no physical bodies, their war could only marginally affect the material universe. To prevent them from risking reality in the future, Melodia began blocking mana from entering the material realm, so that supernatural events wouldn't be possible. And, had things remained as they were, perhaps the universe would still be balanced.   Alphus, inspired one day by a curious event, began work on the prototype of modern-day souls, which he eventually perfected. These souls allowed mortals a negligible degree of influence over the nether, eventually creating the Astral Plane. However, these connections to the nether also allowed the other Titans to influence mortals. Avruin used them to introduce what would come to be known as the psychic gene to mortal genomes, though Zaraz learned to (begrudgingly) utilize these psychics for his own ends. Regardless of psychic potential, though, they both began an arms race of influencing mortals to their sides. Melodia, wishing to maintain balance, chose not to participate until it was too late.   Zaraz found a powerful mortal named Jun-Shoor, whose mind he seized control of, and whose soul he stole, replacing it with an equivalent energy source taken from his own essence. Jun-Shoor would eventually conquer his home planet and, later, most of the galaxy of Andromeda. To counter this Champion of Order, Avruin empowered a bloodthirsty warlord on a frontier planet named Srullis of the Blood Valley, who began utilizing magical rituals in order to conquer Andromeda for himself as the Champion of Chaos.   With no choice, Melodia chose a Champion of her own, Iyagar the Bold, to strike down the two Champions of Imbalance. Unfortunately, Jun-Shoor was informed of his rivals and played on Srullis' ego. Srullis was unable to set aside his thirst for glory when Iyagar proposed an alliance against the much stronger Juncture, and fought a brutal battle against the Champion of Balance, much as Jun-Shoor intended. When the battle was won, and Iyagar lay dead, Srullis was too exhausted to properly fight against Jun-Shoor, who ambushed him immediately after he delivered the death blow. Order won and eventually conquered all of Andromeda.   Avruin then decided to change tactics, choosing a scientist from the neighboring galaxy, the Milky Way. This scientist, named Nestro Saal, would bio-engineer himself and his race into the alien Testers, whose mad experiments either terrorized or empowered whatever world they decided to "test" on.   For a time, Melodia felt this would be the best course of action for balance; by allowing each of her "brothers" to claim a galaxy, they would cancel each other out. She endured as her power waned, going from the strongest of the trio to the weakest. Perhaps she would have rose again, but the Juncture had other plans.   Though their progress was slow, due to their lack of innovative thinking being strictly prohibited by the ultra-conservative and utterly controlling Zaraz, eventually their forces managed to make their way to the outer edge of the Milky Way, though the Testers were waiting for them. Upon learning how the Juncture absorbed other entities into their hive mind, the Testers created a powerful race of psychic monsters, known on Earth as the Psyonics. Their innate connection to the Plane of Chaos via transforming their souls into chaos phantasms rendered them immune to being absorbed by Order. When the two forces first met, chaos won.   The Juncture, refusing to surrender, began indirect attacks, preferring to invade where the Forces of Chaos were weakest. One such planet to fall to Order was Laxra, whose citizens used a risky spell to teleport those not absorbed into the Juncture hive mind to another, random inhabitable planet, which would end up being Earth.   The Testers were overthrown by their Psyonic creations, and the Psyonic king, Kramigan, became the new Champion of Chaos. The Psyonics' ability to genetically enslave other organic beings by forcing them to imbibe Psyonic blood allowed them to keep those who were useful alive and under their control, but most of the Testers were slaughtered. Currently, it is believed that only one Tester remains alive and free, the grandson of their former leader, Kurren Saal, who now also resides on Earth, and oversees another order. At some point around this time, the Paragons of Harmis Prime were attacked by the Psyonics, and were forced to flee in a spacecraft not meant for interstellar travel.   For reasons unknown, Avruin sent forth a wave of energy across the Milky Way, striking at least two inhabited planets; Mozulguat, home planet of the Mimics, and Earth. It is believed he managed this, despite the lack of mana, by ordering his mortal minions to perform a powerful ritual using their technological means of pulling mana into reality. The planets struck by this wave became uncoupled from reality, and all manner of unnatural horrors afflicted their people.   Seeing the horrors visited upon Mozulguat in the wave's wake, and no longer willing to wait, Melodia guided Kurren Saal and the mechanical Ci'la'sui his people had created to Earth and instructed them to build the Mana Temples. These sacred shrines would allow mana to flow on Earth as it once had, and undo the chaotic mutations that were ravaging humanity, stabilizing them into the various posthuman species, such as Elves and Orcs. It was as the temples came fully online that the Zalamandi arrived, and thus Melodia chose to empower those dragon gods who no longer held their domains as guardians of the temples. This perceived favoritism towards Earth angered the blighted Mimics, many of whom swore vengeance on the people of Earth.   Sadly, this drew the attention of both Order and Chaos, who promptly invaded Earth. This began the centuries-long three-way war known as the Titanic Wars. Eventually, and perhaps ironically, the Infernal chaos god, Xariorun, created a set of chaotic artifacts, the Spheres of Want, seeking to sow further chaos. The Great Scion, Michael Cheng, managed to steal them from the treasonous human, the undead Xyrmes, one of the first wights, with help from the newly-arrived Paragons.   Using their powerful magic, Cheng was able to summon Xariorun into reality, but bound by his own magic, he was forced to grant Cheng a wish; all of those under the control of order and chaos would be teleported from the Sol System into the astral plane. As soon as this was done, the mana temples were used to create a powerful force field around Earth, blocking any sort of divination magic from locating or spying on it from without, and blocking teleportation spells unless they relied on portals opened from Earth. To make the spell last, however, Cheng needed to sacrifice his own life. Now his soul resides within Melodia's realm, maintaining the veil around Earth.   Order and Chaos chose to ignore Earth after this. Order, in all likelihood, has chosen not to prioritize it due to its location and resources being non-essential, and chaos likely just doesn't care enough to go out of their way right now, since it is no longer at risk of falling to order. At various points, foolish Earthlings have tried to either open portals to summon order or chaos or attempted to force open the "Gates" that bar Order and Chaos from returning from the astral plane, but to date, no such attempts have succeeded.   Much to Melodia's dismay, however, Earth has not remained balanced since the Titanic Wars ended, and so many of her Watchers in Crystal have abandoned Earth. The Cosmic Wardens warn that the Veil of Bulwark is beginning to fail, as Melodia no longer has faith in Earth's people, and Michael Cheng is not powerful enough to sustain it on his own. The time may soon be upon us that the Veil tears completely, and Order and Chaos return...   ...if you believe the forces of balance, that is.

Divine Origins

Each of the ten Cosmic Wardens were previously dragon gods, patrons of the Zalamandi from Laxra. As most of them were meant to be the manifestation of either one of the Laxranian system's other planets or its moon, and the system was lost during the initial invasion of the Juncture into the Milky Way. Melodia, the Titan of Balance, selected some of the dragon gods to become the Keepers of the Mana Temples she had instructed Earth to construct in the wake of the Deluge of Ruin.   Other than her divine Seraphs, either made by her directly or transformed like the Cosmic Wardens, Melodia has also created djinn-level Yazatas, one of whom acts as a watcher of Earth and the Veil of Bulwark within her titanic realm, the Crystal Forest. The Cosmic Wardens make their divine realms within the Crystal Bulwark, the transitory plane where Melodia's Crystal Forest blends into the Astral Plane.

Tenets of Faith

Those who worship the Cosmic Wardens believe that these deities are either the only ones that matter, or at least the most important. Since they safeguard the Mana Temples, essential both for magic to be possible, and to (somewhat) protect Earth from hostile alien forces. There are also some, usually druids and other nature mages, who worship them for their powers of balance and safeguarding of the planet.

Granted Divine Powers

Gods can grant their clergy the ability to cast spells and perform miraculous abilities, though it takes years before a mortal is ready to harness them. Because of the risk of being leeched off of by renegade clerics, gods will not bestow their powers upon a mortal until he has demonstrated sufficient faith.

Divine Species

True Gods


Djinn-Level Deities



Religious, Divine Host

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