
In the years that followed the Lapse, the weather on Earth steadily became more erratic and unpredictable. The ever-rising heat eventually melted the glaciers at the North Pole, not only flooding the coastal areas, but also creating new and larger than ever masses of clouds, which in turn produced catastrophic storms.
  Seasons are no longer distinguished from each other, as it is hot all year round. The only thing that breaks the sunshine monotony is the monsoon season between the months of April and September, during which constant rain floods the land. Even then, the heat never subsides.   Temperatures range from 45°C during monsoon season to 53°C when the Sun shines directly over the land. In order to survive, people have devised various systems to keep temperatures below 40°C indoors. The energy needed to maintain it under 30°C is available only to the Luminaries. Caves, abandoned tunnels and other underground systems maintain their temperature at 35°C, so they are the subjects of many conflicts erupting over their occupation and control.   The open seas have become wild and almost impossible to navigate. No commercial ships cross them anymore, only smugglers who are willing to take the risk to transport illegal goods, and keep away from Praetorian sky patrols.


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