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Verse II-A: The Canis Ruins Chase

Leo heads to the North past the Valley barrier into the calm wooded ruins on the outskirts following the commander bot. Here he meets up with Rock, a general who has a retinue of other troops with him. He's there to investigate a Lobe ship that he has a bad feeling about. Leo can question his military decisions if he wishes which can decrease his affinity. Praising him does the opposite. They move towards the ruins and see the more advanced bots stationed around the area on high alert. Leo wonders if they are guarding someone and thinks the commander bot wants Leo to follow. Rock suggest to Leo they make a bit of sport out of the current situation just as they had done back in the academy days. He makes a bit of a snide remark about how Leo thought he was better than him and that he would always win. Leo can contradict this if he wishes. Ultimately no matter if he agrees with the game or not a game will commence.   Throughout this verse, Leo must make his way around the maze like ruins. Multiple platforming and combat challenges await. Enemies are fairly tougher than the last level as this is meant to be the difficult path to take. Arial fighters and heavy blasting Brain Bots will be common. As well as a few bird brain. Throughout the level, a tally of Rock's Brain Bot defeats can be seen.    In a small clearing Rock and Leo see the commander bot with another commander bot. They try to sneak and hear them discussing how they have searched the ruins but not found what they need. They then talk of herding the organic beasts and how they have faced some resistance but have have rounded them up within quota. This upsets Rock enough for him to want to try attacking. Leo can agree or disagree and if he agrees the bots are caught off guard. If not they detect them anyway. Leo asks what they are doing and that he intends to stop them. They introduce themselves as Number 10 and Number 8 and 10 is annoyed that Leo has followed him here. He insults him and says that the filthy beast thinks itself  a King. Leo can take umbrage with the response or not. 8 urges 10 that their priorities have shifted and that they are needed elsewhere. Rock makes to shoot at them before 8 deflects his blast. 10 wants to fight Leo and kill him to make father proud but 8 convinces him otherwise, she tells him that more troops are doubtless moving in. To stall their lobe ship drops a battle platform that brain bots will use to fight Leo and Rock. This is the levels boss battle. Later after the battle is won, Leo gets a transmission from Leona that the Lake XXX Dam is being attacked. Rock tells Leo that he and his squad wish to accompany him there and put a stop to the Brain Bot invasion.
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