Welcome to Dimminium

What is Dimminium?

  Dimminium, also known as "The Grey World," is a world of wonder and chaos. This world is yours to explore and utilize at your discretion. As you travel and discover new lands within Dimminium, you can share your adventures with friends or even invite them to join you on your journey across Dimminium and its sister realms.   In reality, we envision Dimminium as a haven for gamemasters and storytellers to incorporate into their games and narratives, ushering in a new era of fantasy and providing a fresh world for you and your followers to explore. Different types of "Walkers" exist in this world:  
  • Walker: A person or persons who only perceive the surface level of the world and aspire to be excellent gamemasters.
  • Wanderer: Individuals or groups who support Dimminium and its hosts, delving deeper into the world and its constituents.
  • Far-Traveller (IN DEVELOPMENT): Those with a vested interest in Dimminium and its offerings, exploring not just the surface but also what lies behind the closed doors of houses and kingdoms.
  • Realm Walker (IN DEVELOPMENT): Devotees of Dimminium and its hosts, possessing the ability to look beyond Dimminium, into the stars and realms.

How can I access what has been created?

Most of my articles, maps, and tables have been placed under the "Walker" subscriber group, granting you access to most of the currently published content. I am still relatively new to coding and "capitalism," so it will take me some time. You can visit the community hub on Dimminium's front page for more details.

  Please be curteous to others, I can only have so many subscribers on this account. If you are just looking around, just bookmark Dimminium and let those that wish to actively use these creations stay subscribed.
  If you have any questions you can email me [email protected].  

How can I show my support?

  My extensive and resource-intensive endeavors for this project have made it quite an expensive hobby, although it doesn't have to be to be a good GM. If you, dear reader, have a few coins to spare, you can visit my Patreon and sign up there. However, until I can fully develop this world, most, if not all, that I have to offer will be available here.
  If any of you who have taken the time to explore this and read it, firstly, thank you. Secondly, please provide as much feedback as you can or wish to give.
  Thank you!
About the Host
For all of my life, I have loved fantasy. As a small boy, I used to learn how to professionally draw and make sketches of dragons. "Lord of the Rings" was my favorite movie for as long as I can remember and remains a fond tradition for my wife and me to this day. When I reached high school age, I discovered DND and began dipping my toe into world-building and running games. Unfortunately, I soon got bullied or was shut down by others around me and didn't touch it for a couple of years.
  When I joined the Marine Corps, I quickly found that when I would get bored, I would begin to build my own fantasy world as a way to keep my mind at ease while undergoing training and the lovely "sit and waits." I then began meeting others who were either interested in DND or loved fantasy, so we banded together to form my very first DND group, with me as the DM. (That game lasted a little more than 3 months).
  Over time, and after many failed attempts to keep a game going, I began to discover what worked in DND and what did not. I then started making homebrew rules to keep everyone interested in the game, even during combat.
  Now, I have a Patreon and three DND Homebrew campaigns that have run almost three years each, with little to minimal prep (I used to be a doomsday prepper). All I want to do is share my experience, tools, and my way of running games to help others who may have gone through what I did and feel like it's their fault. Continual research, YouTube videos, books, and blogs seem to all run dry and not really provide any great feedback on what we as GMs can do.
  I hope that one day I can create a YouTube channel, flesh out this world, and generate a passive income for myself and my family.


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