Dintral Species in Dindeyyin | World Anvil


Dintral are the dominant of Dindeyyin. They’re often the dinu that hold powerful positions, and they make up the majority of Dindeyyin’s demographic.

Basic Information

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most dintral are omnivores and eat almost anything, but wilder dintrals and certain subspecies often have special diets.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Dintrals are one of the most intelligent species in Dindeyyin, with complicated social structures, societies, language, and technology.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

For Dintrals wilder people are much more desirable. Wilder dintrals are those with more natural/animalistic traits, such as longer tails, more cinti-like ears, abdomen paws and fur, as well as influenced traits, such as scales, or plant coloured fur. This could also include actual vegetation for certain subspecies, examples are: bark horns/skin patches for plant, rock spikes for earth dintrals, coral, sealife growth on salt water dintrals.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
80-100 years
Related Organizations
The name Dintral comes from the word 'Dinu', which means people, and the word 'tral', which means kind or species, meaning their name translates to people-species.

Articles under Dintral

Cover image: by IoTheSC


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