
"Ok, I talked to the gate guards and they got me in to see the head man at the compound. Nice enough guy named name Hezekiah. I told him about the highwaymen we ran into yesterday and played up how concerned we were for our own safety. It took a little work, but eventually I managed to talk him into letting us camp out inside the gates for the night. The Pontiac we heard they had was sitting out in plain sight and without a new axle it's never moving again, so I mentioned that maybe we could trade for some parts off it. He said we'd talk about that Monday, which kind of brings to something else we need to get straight on before we head inside.   Reason we won't be doing any trading tomorrow is because tomorrow is the sabbath. Head man is Reverend Hezekiah and they are very much a religious community. In order to get us in, I had to give the impression we were fellow children of the Lord. If anyone inside asks, we're members of the Reformed Primative Church of the Risen Christ. Most of you should probably change into some of the clothes we got from those nice Amish folks so you'll look the part for the rubes.   Oh, and we're expected to attend the church services tomorrow.   There may be snakes."--Carlos Alvarez, Huckster
Hucksters are human relations experts who serve as the face of the convoy. Part diplomat, part salesman, and part grifter, the huckster gathers information, makes deals, smooths over hard feelings, and convinces people who need convincing. They also use their ability to read people and situations to figure out local customs and expectations and make sure other members of the crew don't run afoul of them. When that doesn't work, the huckster is usually the only thing standing between a peaceful resolution and an exchange of harsh words (and maybe bullets).



People skills. A huckster has to be able to guess what people want and have the gift of gab required to convince them that he can give it to them. Hucksters also need to know how to de-escalate tense situations and defend themselves when that doesn't work. Familiarity with Boomlands customs, lingo, and allegiances can also be very helpful.



Pre-Boom politicians, salesmen, entertainers, and con artists are well-represented among the ranks of Boomland hucksters, but personality, empathy, and cunning tend to trump previous training in determining who makes a good huckster.



A huckster's primary tool is their interpersonal skills, but many hucksters feel that the right clothes and a flashy car can go a long way towards making the right impression. Most Hucksters carry an easily-concealable weapon for self-defense.

Provided Services

A huckster's role doesn't change a lot between the camp and the convoy, but camp hucksters do tend to serve in a more official capacity, acting as a host and tour guide for important visitors, negotiating on the camp's behalf, and sometimes stepping in to keep disputes between camp residents from turning bloody.

Dangers & Hazards

The greatest danger for a huckster is that they will read a person or situation wrong and ruin a plan or get themselves shot.
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Alternative Names
Barker, Con Artist, Diplomat, Face Man, Grifter, Negotiator, Snake Oil Salesman


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