
Frog Humanoid
The Beckis are quick to realize how harsh life is. Most of them don’t even have the chance to live pass their tadpole phase. If they are lucky enough to become adult, they will quickly realize that living in the deep jungle of Diratia is no easy task. The competition for mating is harsh, they need to learn specific dances, be good at hunting and be at least capable at Flycatching (A sport in which both Beckis, at a stand-still need to show off their bug catching skills in front of the rest of the tribe). Humans describes them as large frogs standing on two legs. They vary a lot in color depending on their origins.
“At 500 flies caught the winner is… BLORG!”

Life Stages


Tadpole (0-5 years)

Bhekis are born in the water as tadpoles, and spend the first few years of their lives developing into their adult form. During this time, they are vulnerable to predators and must rely on their parents for protection.  

Adolescence (5-10 years)

Bhekis reach adolescence at around 10 years of age, when they begin to participate in the rituals and competitions of their community. This is also the time when they start to develop their musical and dance skills, which are important for their social status and mating success.  

Maturity (10-25 years)

At around 20 years of age, Bhekis are considered mature adults and are expected to take on greater responsibilities within their society, such as hunting and protecting their community. They may also start to mate and raise families of their own.  

Old Age (25+ years)

  Old age is typically reached at around 25 years of age, and Bhekis do not typically live much longer than that. During their final years, Bhekis may become more sedentary and spend more time participating in the cultural traditions of their community, such as music and dance.  

Physical Characteristics

  Bhekis are humanoid frogs with a mix of skin and moist, slimy skin. They have long, powerful legs that they use for hopping and leaping, as well as webbed hands and feet that they use for swimming. They are known to be agile and quick, and are able to move easily through their wetland habitat.  


Bhekis are omnivorous and have a diet that consists of a mix of plants and animals. They are skilled hunters and use their long tongues to catch insects and other small prey. They also eat a variety of fruits and vegetables, and are particularly fond of berries and other sweet fruits.  

Culture and Society

  Bhekis live in small, close-knit communities in the wetland regions of Diratia. They are known for their love of music and dance, and often hold competitions and festivals where they show off their skills. Bhekis are also known for their strong sense of community, and families and kin groups are important in their society.
Scientific Name


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