
Centaurs are known to be highly capable warriors. They start their life out of a long gestation already on four legs, ready to fight. When old age catches them, they don’t have a period of weakness, they die still standing and strong. You can find them in almost all the expanded plains of Diratia, cantering in harras towards new encampment or hunting buffalos. Centaurs travel the plains with horses as draft animals. They possess the upper body of a man and the lower body of a horse.
“They are coming for us… watch in the distance… that cloud of smoke… its them…”

Life Stages


Infancy (0-10 years)

Centaurs are born on four legs and spend their first few years learning to walk and run on their hooves. They are dependent on their parents for protection and support during this time.  

Adolescence (10-20 years)

During adolescence, centaurs begin to develop their strength and endurance, and may start to train as warriors. They may also start to take on greater responsibilities within their community, such as hunting and defending their territory.  

Maturity (20-80 years)

At around 20 years of age, centaurs are considered mature adults and are expected to take on leadership roles within their community. They may also start to mate and raise families of their own.  

Old Age (80+ years)

  Centaurs do not experience a period of physical decline in old age and are able to remain strong and active until the end of their lives. They may continue to take on leadership roles and participate in the life of their community until they die.  

Physical Characteristics

  Centaurs have the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse. They are known for their strength and agility and are able to run and move quickly on their four legs. They often have long, flowing hair and a human-like face.


As omnivores, centaurs would eat a variety of plants and animals, including fruits, vegetables, and the meat of the animals they hunt. They would have a strong cultural tradition of hunting, and many centaurs would take pride in their hunting skills and the food they provide for their community.

Culture and Society 

Centaurs are solitary creatures and do not typically live in large communities. They are known for their strength and skill as warriors and are often seen riding across the plains of Diratia in search of new hunting grounds or encampments. They are also known for their love of music and art, and often spend their leisure time creating and performing.


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