
Lizard Humanoid
Cuetzpalii are a mystical and tropical race of lizardfolk dominating the warm jungle of Diratia. They are known to be highly religious and make sacrifices to their gods on a regular basis. The different religious societies in Cuetzpali civilizations are tending to most youngling. Because of this, Cuetzpalii are quickly indoctrinated into a life of religious servitude. Rare are those who escape this cycle.
“Glory to our gods and for them we will sacrifice this lamb!”

Life Stages


Hatchling (0-5 years)

Cuetzpalii are born from eggs, which are laid by their mothers and incubated until they hatch. When they hatch, they are small and vulnerable, and must rely on their parents for protection and support.

Juvenile Stage (5-15 years)

During the juvenile stage, Cuetzpalii grow quickly, developing their strength and endurance. They may start to learn the religious traditions of their culture, and may take on greater responsibilities within their community.  

Adulthood (15+ years)

At around 15 years of age, Cuetzpalii are considered adults and are expected to take on leadership roles within their community. They may also start to mate and raise families of their own. Cuetzpalii do not experience a period of physical decline in old age, and are able to remain strong and active until the end of their lives. They may continue to take on leadership roles and participate in the life of their community until they die.

Physical Characteristics

  Cuetzpalii are humanoid lizards with a mix of skin and scales on their bodies. They have long, powerful tails that they use for balance and support, as well as sharp claws and teeth that they use for hunting and defense. They are known to be agile and quick, and are able to move easily through their tropical jungle habitat.


Cuetzpalii are carnivorous and have a diet that consists primarily of small mammals, birds, and other animals. They are skilled hunters and use their sharp claws and teeth to catch and kill their prey. They may also eat fruits and vegetables, but meat is the mainstay of their diet.  

Culture and Society

  Cuetzpalii are highly religious creatures and are known for their devotion to their gods. They live in small communities within the tropical jungles of Diratia and are led by religious leaders who guide them in their worship and sacrifices. Cuetzpalii are also known for their strong sense of community, and families and kin groups are important in their society.


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