
Elves are a noble species and often think they are above all others. Since they live longer than the others, they rarely make bonds outside of their kin. They are deeply attached and in love with nature since they can see it grow and change. They promote peace and respect amongst all but can hold their own on a battlefield. Elves experience life differently than other species, their life is so long they can observe the changes the world goes through. A generation of Elves can observe the ascension and fall of a great human empire, giving them a different view of the world, and making it difficult for them to understand the other species.
“A Dwarf should never befriend an Elf!”

Life Cycle

Elves experience life differently than other species, their life is so long they can observe the changes the world goes through. A generation of Elves can observe the ascension and fall of a great human empire, giving them a different view of the world, and making it difficult for them to understand the other species.   Elves also feel the effects of age differently to other species. Once they are grown up, they stop changing or change really slowly. There is little difference between an elf of 100 and 400 years, its only after that old age starts showing and even then, they look younger than most humans of 50 years old.  

Childhood 1 to 24 years

During these years Elves grow slowly, they can get to a height of 1.5m. They learn from elders what it means to be an Elf and how to use all of their long years for the good of the species. Some Elves who have not been educated in this way, face depression in later years increasing the odds of suicide.  

Adolescence 25 to 49 years

Around 25 years Elves start getting responsibilities and finish their growth. They are trained for their future job by getting apprenticeships. A lot of elves start travelling at this stage of their lives to explore the word, to express their personal freedom and satisfy their thirst for knowledge. Those who have the courage to go on this adventure are seen as capable individuals in society, where the elves that stay at home often have regrets to have stayed at home.  

Adulthood 50 to 299 years

When they get to adulthood, Elves are recognized as full members of society. If they have gone on a journey outside of Elvish territory, they mostly come back during this time and settle down with their lovers. There they start prospering in Elvish society and getting better at their craft.  

Wisdom Age 300 to 399 years

Elves in this Age range know their limits and are intelligent enough not to go above them. They are still physically fit but feel the weight of past years. They start becoming vulnerable to illness and start being more careful. It's around these years that Elves start having children, taking care of them and raising them up. Most Elven families have two children with 50 years of gap between the two in order to focus on one child at the time. The biggest Elf family in recorded history had 5 children with 25 years of gap in between each child.  

Great Age 400 to 499 years

Around these age, Elves start slowing down and concentrating on activities that require knowledge over physical ability. Elves rarely go on adventures at this age and prefer the comfort of home. Most of them will stop working and start advising instead, following the progress of their previous apprentices and still helping them succeed.  

Venerable Age 500+ years

When an elf reaches the age of 500 years, their body begins to show the effects of time. Wrinkles start appearing on their faces, and their health begins to deteriorate rapidly. Despite this, most elves of this age choose to live out their remaining days in peace and serenity, often spending their time playing music and singing. In some cases, elves may even retire to a secluded grove or forest where they can spend their days surrounded by nature and tranquility. Here, they may continue to enjoy the simple pleasures of life, such as listening to the birds sing or watching the sun rise and set.   As the years pass and their health continues to decline, many elves find solace in the knowledge that they have lived long and fulfilling lives. They take comfort in the memories of their loved ones and the many adventures they have had over the centuries. And although their bodies may be weak, their spirits remain strong and unbroken, sustained by the love and joy they have experienced throughout their lives.  

Habitat and Population

Most elves choose to settle in cities that are blended seamlessly into the surrounding environment, allowing them to live in harmony with the land. Many of these cities are home to large communities of elves, who live together in close-knit groups and support one another in all aspects of life. One of the most notable places where elves can be found is the dense forests of Arlemos. Here, the elves have created a thriving society that is closely intertwined with the natural world around them. They live in beautiful houses built from natural materials, and spend their days exploring the forests, tending to their gardens, and enjoying the simple pleasures of life.   Despite their love of nature, however, elves are not always sedentary. Many elves enjoy traveling and going on adventures, and may spend long periods of time away from their homes. When they are not traveling, however, they tend to be quite sedentary, and may even keep the same house for very long periods of time.   Elven families are small and close-knit, and elves do not have many children throughout their lives. However, the bonds between elves are strong, and families support each other until death. This creates a sense of community and belonging that is deeply ingrained in elven culture and is one of the reasons why elves are known for their kindness and compassion.


  Elves are primarily vegetarian, and although they can technically survive on meats, their digestive systems are not well-suited to digesting them. As a result, they prefer to stick to a diet of fruits, vegetables, and other plant-based foods.   Elves have a refined palate and enjoy their foods cooked over long periods of time. This allows the flavors to fully develop and mature, resulting in a more delicious and satisfying meal. They are particularly fond of aged foods, such as cheeses and wines, which have been allowed to mature and develop their flavors over time.   In order to achieve the best possible taste, elves often start cooking their meals several days in advance. This allows them to create complex and flavorful dishes that are sure to delight their senses. Despite their love of food, however, elves are known for their slender and graceful figures, and as such, they tend to eat only small portions at a time.    

Culture and Society

To understand an elf, you need to put in perspective their life expectancy. More than most, Elves are patient, they have many years to achieve any task. Moreover, impatience is seen as a vice by Elven society.   Elves are very individual, this does not mean they are selfish, and it reflects in the structure of their society. There is little discrimination amongst Elves, be it sex, social status or family. There are as many female heroes in Elven history as males and historicity there were more Queens than Kings in Elven Society.   Most Elves form an eternal love bond and when it happens with an other Elf it is always mutual. Sadly it sometimes happens with other species and it often ends with suicide, since the other does not always love back, or if the other does love back, they often die before the Elf.   For Elves, death is a natural part of the life cycle and totally accept it and have no fear for it. What they dread is accidental deaths, that put an end to their life in a precarious manner.


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