

Orion - God of Good
Kian - God of Evil
Levi - Prophet of Orion and Kian, founder of Levism

Mythology & Lore

Levists believe Orion created the world on his own but accidentally created his opposite Kian. They fought together for thousands of years over the control of Diratia. Until Levi an immortal human broke them apart sending them respectively to Blight and Scythe. Since then, Levi has been traveling to each corner of Diratia, spreading the word of Orion.
Levists believe You go to Blight if you have been good, where you will be surrounded by things you love. Or you go to Scythe if you have been bad, where you will suffer your own sins for eternity.

Tenets of Faith

Faith, Abstinence and Kindness are Virtues to the eyes of the Gods
Blasphemy and Magic are Sins to the eyes of the Gods
Money and Sex are taboo in the Levists community


Worship is done in weekly group prayers in the temples lead by the Mouths or Hands of Levi.
Worship also happens in Coming of Age, Marriage, Death and to celebrate the Birth and Miracles of Levi.


The Hands of Levi is a post almost exclusive to nobles, but the other two accept anyone loyal to the faith. They are a council in charge of structuring and leading the Levists.
The Mouths of Levi Spread the words of Levi and Serve the wills of Orion. They are elected to their position by the other Mouths of Levi.
The Servants of Orion are women chosen before they have blead once by the Mouths or Hands of Levi to serve the will of Orion, manage the temples and pleasure the Mouths and Hands of Orion.
Religious, Organised Religion


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