Discordia Homepage | World Anvil


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Discordia is a world directly influenced by thousands of gods and demigods, constantly maneuvering for position in an ever changing battle for control of the Tree of Life.

  Discordia was once a single land mass but a cataclysmic event shattered the world into 6 parts, decimating the ancient races that called Discordia home. From the ashes of destruction a whole was ripped in the material plane and root from the Tree of Life pierced through and took hold in the continent of Fade. Immortal beings quickly realized the advantages that controlling a manifestation of the tree in the mortal realm could bring them and started fighting over control of the area, but the gods already present in Discordia where well positioned and pushed out any intruders to the other areas of the now fractured world.   Odin used the root to imprison Nidhogg, his greatest rival for control. Greatly weakend in the effort Odin drew back to the tree to ensure that Nidhogg would stay imprisoned, and ordered Aesir to seal off the continent, and Fenrir to defend the land. Eventually Hel with the assistance of Vecna gained a foothold on the island, and have been fighting to gain control ever since and release Nidhogg to solidify their control over the tree.   This war has raged for thousands of years, and as they fought other gods have settled the surrounding continents, building their forces, and waiting for the day they could break through the defenses and gain control of the Tree of Life for themselves.   The continent of Fade is at its breaking point, with so much magical energy pouring into it from the battle of the immortal beings, it is ready to shatter. The other gods recognize this and are hurrying to prepare their forces for the upcoming battle.


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