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Jerialygeone is both the day and tradition celebrated. On July 2nd (the day in the middle of the year) was the day that Era 1 began and the day that Disonia was discovered. Since it marks the start of Era 1, it's dedicated to celebrate The Savior, the era brother that represents Era 1.
  Depending on what region you live in in Disonia is the type of celebration you'll be getting for Jerialygeone:
  In the western region, people leave offerings that consist of hand carved candles or other small part-able things in a boat which is then floated out to the Jasmine Sea. Then, it'll be left outside until it sinks. Usually, the boat is a rickety one, preferably with holes in it. It's said that in order for the tradition to work, the boat must sink with the items inside.
  In the southern region, parades and activities are common. The activities include a simplified version of the Brightingling's Heir Trials, painting, and things that include flower weaving. The things created during the festivals are sent to the churches that celebrate Jerialygeone and Eralinity to hold outside or inside its buildings.
  The eastern region makes food and astrology based items. Globes, handmade bread, clothing, etc. Anything that has something to do with The Savior, The Timekeeper, The Ferryman, or The Waning Moon. Commonly, items relating to The Savior are created. Bracelets, paper halos and wings, story tellings, etc.
  Finally, the northern region will do a combination of all three plus an annual play describing what happens in "The Era Brothers" story. The actors are volunteers that apply 2-3 weeks in advance to learn the script. Circa 1997 had the best "The Era Brothers" play of all time. It still holds the award after all this time.
  Jerialygeone is a yearly occurrence and plays a big part in Disonian history, which is why it's something that has so many activities and ways to celebrate.


When Disonia was founded and created by "The Beginners", an anniversary celebration was conducted. On July 2nd, 1501, the first Jerialygeone celebration took place and marked the official tradition.


Disonians from anywhere in the world pay some kind of tribute to Jerialygeone. Whether it be following one of the main four traditional rituals or doing their own, there's some kind of way to pay tribute.
(Note: The name for this tradition/celebration was just taking a letter from each of the twelve months and combining them to create Jerialygeone. It's cool to say if you can get it right.)
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