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The 4th Civil War

The 4th Civil War is the most disastrous war brought upon Disonia, starting from 1897 and ending in 1899 with the beheading of King Definido.
  The war started when Lord Ambrose was reported to be dead in Chuton. King Definido of Valtera chose to take action and wage war upon Chuton, but he couldn't do so without help. He went to Farrell to meet with King Frederick and obtain help with the war. With Farrell and Chuton having a decade-long alliance and seeing as the death had no value to him, Frederick quickly declined the offer.
  Without help, Definido wasn't sure what to do except go with his backup plan: Hire someone from Valtera to assassinate Frederick's son, Prince Henry, and act like he came from Chuton. He sent the plan to his advisor, Markius, who was watching the throne and demanded that the plan be executed as soon as possible.
  The next night, Henry was found dead in his room and the assassin was caught (as planned) and explained that he came from Chuton by King Maciato's wishes. The death of his only son gave Frederick a motive to help commence war. So, on February 9th, everything was ready to go.
  On the 10th, the plan was executed. Firing shots and cannonballs at the Chuton borders was the plan they both had in mind. 15 casualties were caused that night. This started the 4th civil war.
  After a year, three other countries were brought into the fray: Julio, Hattensburmem, and Huntun. Julio was quick to join Chuton's side, but Hattensburmem and Huntun chose their own side: Neutral. They named themselves "The H-Team".
  The war came to an end on February 19th of 1899 when King Definido admitted to hiring someone to murder Frederick's son to get the ball rolling to wage war. Since he went against "The Royal Agreement" several times, he was sent to be executed the same day. With his death the following hour, the war came to an end.

The Conflict


The war started when Lord Ambrose from Valtera came to Chuton for an important meeting. After being refused entry at first and harassing Leonardo Lorenzo (King Maciato's servant), he was allowed entry. After the meeting, Ambrose stayed for the night and continued to verbally harass Leonardo until he had had enough. They were in a disclosed room when Leonardo murdered Ambrose and hid his body in the tall closet against the wall. However, the coachman caught Leo in the act and went back to Valtera to report back.

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
February 10th, 1897
Ending Date
February 19th, 1899
Conflict Result
The Beheading of King Definido of Valtera


  • Disonia
    This is the Disonian map with the names attached (this is a work in progress, so that's why the other countries look so bland besides Dascery and Ankiran)

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Defenders/Chuton's Side

Led by


  • Chuton has a strong (maybe the strongest) military force on the continent.
  • Julio is the main "capital" of Disonia, so the country held a lot of diverse items and materials.


  • 673 from Julio
  • 1,056 from Chuton
  • 1,729 in total


  • Take down Valtera
  • End alliance with Farrell
Attackers/Valtera's Side

Led by


  • Valtera has control over Farrell, having manipulated King Frederick into going to war
  • Farrell has a bigger motive to go for Chuton than ever


  • 950 from Farrell
  • 1,789 from Valtera
  • 2,739 in total


  • Take down Chuton
  • Execute Leonardo
  • Create proper alliance with each other


  • Both don't have a reason to join either team, hence creating the H-Team
  • Both have supplies in case they get invaded
  • They both have peace within their walls
  • A strong alliance was formed


  • 12 from Hattensburmem
  • 35 from Huntun
  • 47 in total


  • Stay out of fighting
  • Stay neutral
  • Defend themselves and each other
  • Don't fall


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