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The Heart-Eaten

Mentions of Blood and Gore

They say that demons know the location of the nearest celestial the same way that a humanoid is always able to tell which direction is up. For once in his life, Eshaq of House Vuyyad hopes this is true. He tries to look up or down or anywhere, but his sight does not change. He tries to push forward or to the side or away, but his hands do not move. He tries to whisper or speak or scream, but he hears no sound.   All sensation is gone. The Vuyyad tries to find the binds holding him, but still, no sight or feeling comes.   "What is happening? Brother, where are you? Brother, I need you!"   "If you need another, then how are you free?"   "Who said that?" Eshaq again attempts to use his body. "Where are you?"   "I am nothing, but I am."   "Where," Eshaq slows his thoughts, "are you?"   "Where is a concept made in light. It is an erroneous division made by saying this color is yours, and this one is theirs."   Eshaq thinks that this thing, whatever it is, has latched itself onto him. Or maybe he has latched onto it. He begins to note the loss of his body. Is this,   "Death? Maybe."   "Don't finish my,"   "Thoughts."   "Stop."   "I said stop."   "No, I said stop."   "Wait, who is talking?"   "Hello? Are you there?"   "Did I imagine it? Is this it? An eternity of lunacy? How long have I been here? How long has the other been gone. Is it waiting? Did it ever exist all?"   "Why did they leave. They all left me. Abandoned me. I was never given a chance."   "What was the name again? What was happening? Who was waiting? Was there something else?"   "The thinker thinks that this is all there is. The thinker thinks and the thinker is thought alone. The thinker imagines what light must be like, and the thinker thinks it must be painful. The thinker would wipe out all ability to imagine light if it could. The thinker wishes that it did not remember how to imagine what pain felt like."   Pain. The thinker feels. The thinker feels pain. Sight. The thinker sees a face; the face is covered in blood. There is a hole in the chest of the body the thinker has been forced inside. The bloody-mouthed is a being of light, but the thinker knows that the thinker shouldn't hurt the bloody-mouthed. The bloody-mouthed destroys light, and now it is so much harder for the thinker to remember what light was like.   With its memory fading, the thinker only knows it has its task: Plunge the world into the depths of darkness.

The Undead King

Increased use of Heart-Eaten troops by the Abyssal Hordes of Mulrich coincides with reports from captured anarcho-cultists of a demon called the Undead King. Nothing else about the Undead King is currently known.   Some Infernal Inquisitors warn of a new Abyssal philosophy growing either under the Undead King or point to this philosophy as allowing the Undead King to gain more renown, but many within the Infernal Grand Duchy disregard the warnings of these zealots over such minimal reports of an entity likely imagined by insane anarcho-cultists.  

Void Personified

Heart-Eaten are undead creatures who serve the demonic forces of Mulrich. In order to make a Heart-Eaten, a powerful non-fiendish follower of a demon must eat the heart of a corpse in part of a ritual raising of the dead.   All Heart-Eaten have a hole in their chest that never closes. The eyes and chest wound are pure beads of darkness that can drain the life of living beings.


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