The Firmament, Prison or Curtain Wall?

-I am not suggesting anything at all, other than the possibility that if a firmament can be made, it can also be unmade! We should treat the risk as it is, a risk, and prevent others from drowning us in the Empyrean with little effort. We cannot act as if it's completely unreasonable!
-Conversation overheard in a debate hall.

This book, written by a council of scholars, covers much of the finer points of the Firmament, or the barrier that surrounds every gods Throne, and attempts to explain it in laymans terms. I'm of the opinion that it does it well.   To summarize; the firmament is a semi-permiable barrier that surrounds a Throne that a god intends to fill with any form of matter. In fact, it's the first thing that they make as the Empyrean will near instantly break down any material that isn't divine in nature that makes contact with it. Once it is constructed, the world will be created inside of it, and then the gods inevitable living creations will upon that ball of dirt and stone.   The barrier itself can be passed through with enough machine effort, which allows modern day skyships to travel into the Empyrean if they have the blessing of a god to keep them from dissolving as soon as they're on the other side. A person by themselves, unassisted, cannot likely push through the barrier unless they managed to find a weakened section.   If they find a weakened section, there are many more problems that now take precedent.
Report, Scientific
While the liquid of the Empyrean would, due to viscocity, block out most incoming light at night, the small imperfections in a Firmament can and does allow the Empyrean to leak through at times, resulting in the formation of constelations through the shining, golden, liquid.   The Empyrean will innevitably start to run in rivulets down the inner shell of the Firmament, making the constelations melt and stretch as night goes on, and providing a very rough sense of time passing for the Thrones that don't have Moons that are visible at night.   Many gods have taken to purposly including small flaws in their Firmaments, specially designed, to make intentional art and shapes in their night skies.

Cover image: by Night Cafe image generation, User provided input


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