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Kord is the ascended Dwarven god of storms, lightning, thunder, and battle. He is a member of the Morndinsamman.

Divine Domains

Storm Domain

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A red diamond with four blue lightning bolts emerging from each side.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kord was once a mortal dwarf whose true name has been lost to time. He was born in Jungstol in the century following the Shadow Plague, in an age where mortals were free to spread throughout Divostra and populate the land without fear of dark gods. From a young age, Kord was fascinated by the elemental power of storms, lightning and thunder, and as such became a follower of the Primordial Titan Akadi.

As an adult, Kord trekked across Divostra to learn more about the elemental magic that powered the world. He traveled south to Urdravrak where he met the bronze dragons, offering them the secrets of Dwarven armor-crafting in exchange for their knowledge of lightning magic. Sailing across the Nhazdul Ocean, he ventured through the jungles of Zandrazil and up to the Urkesh Highlands, where he met some orcish followers of Akadi who educated Kord on how air currents dictated the flow of weather across the plane. Kord brought this knowledge back to the dwarves, teaching them about weather patterns and air currents so they could quickly traverse Divostra's vast oceans, further expanding the nascent Dwarven Empire and empowering the dwarves' already advanced technology with the lightning magic of the bronze dragons. For all of this, Kord was hailed as a hero among dwarves and unknowingly became a Thaumic Locus.

When Tiamat declared war on the mortal races of Divostra, Kord was one of the champions called by Moradin to lead the dwarven armies into battle against the chromatic dragons. He was given a fleet of ships and instructed to sail for Shandalar, traversing the seas north of Balar to circle around the Sapphire Flight's territory and pinch the forces of Bala'Ishkur between his soldiers and the main contingent of the dwarven army marching through Muspelheim.

However, the greatwyrm had caught wind of the dwarves' plan. She and her blue dragons laid in wait as the navy arrived off the northern coast of Shandalar, ambushing their fleet and destroying several ships as the warriors made a frantic break for land. On the cliffs the Rhovanion Hinterlands, Kord and the rest of the dwarves met Bala'Ishkur and the Sapphire Flight in battle, the dwarves' armaments empowered by the might of draconic and orcish magic. The dwarven warriors proved more resilient than Bala'Ishkur had predicted, with both sides suffering heavy losses in the ensuing battle.

Kord and his honor guard pushed to the center of the storm that surrounded the battlefield, where Bala'Ishkur was tearing through swathes of his soldiers. The other dwarves charged the greatwyrm, providing a distraction which allowed Kord to sneak behind her and get close enough that he could land a swift strike on her Sapphire Dragon Soul, his hammer channeling a bolt of lighting as it came down upon the jewel. The gem shattered and Bala'Ishkur howled in rage and lashed out at the dwarven hero, shattering his hammer and cutting clean through his armor to send his rended body hurtling into the mud. The wounded greatwyrm collected the core of her shattered Dragon Soul and ordered the blue dragons to retreat, leaving the dwarves victorious but badly weakened.

As Kord lay dying on the rain-soaked battlefield, a bolt of lightning arced down from the storm and struck his body, surrounding the dwarf in a blinding envelope of energy. There was a flash and the crack of thunder, and as the other dwarves regained their vision, they saw that the body of their leader had disappeared, though his armor remained on the ground, crackling with the divine electricity that remained after Kord's ascension.

Divine Classification
Chaotic Good


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