Dell of the Fae Lomyn

Long ago the Lomyn who were to become the Taesáf left the Kynfesan Mountains. Yet a small group of other Lomyn remained in the Kynfesan and they set about finding themselves a new home within the mountain range. In the northern bend of the mountains they wandered into an increasingly strange land, where the sunlight seemed richer, the rain louder and the whispers of the trees were much louder than elsewhere. Here they found a deep dell with a swift stream and a natural orchard of golden apples. The band of Lomyn of settled there and over the years they have changed as their bodies took on more features of the mountain sheep than formerly and their minds took on the shape of the fae.  


The dell of the Fae Lomyn sits deeply, but not at the heart, of the fae-rich area in the north of the Kynfesan mountains. A deep valley with steep sides whose paths are treacherous, it is just wide enough for a comfortable, if somewhat strange, setttlement. A swift mountain stream enters and leaves the dell via waterfalls as the valley ends on a slight shelf in a gap between the steep walls. Many kinds of trees and vines and shrubs cling to little outcroppings on those walls and rise out of the thick, verdant grass on the dell floor - some with a curious disregard for natural ecology. From the side of the stream the orchard of golden apples spreads out and distributes a vague sensation of languor under its branches. The fruits are not what folks in the south would likely term apples, being harder and more tangy and, most especially, giving some experiences unlikely to occur from regular apples.

Cover image: by Menatith


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Sep 5, 2024 13:15 by TJ Trewin

I love this map!!

Journals of Yesteryear

Sep 9, 2024 09:05 by Menatith

Thank you so much! I'd never made a map in this style before and I'm really pleased with how it turned out.