Natural Society

One of the many IMP societies, the Natural Society and its members are focused on studying organisms; how they work, how they behave, what magic each organism contains, and how to beneficially use this knowledge. As with most of the Societies, its members are spread throughout Tyldamin (apart from those few wandering throughout the world on expeditions) but there is a large concentration of them in Chaem in order to have easy access to the Branch.  

Purpose and Focus

The Natural Society was originally founded with the purpose of understanding how the physical processes of organisms might affect their magic and the effects of magic upon them. Over time they have expanded their area of study into all that might elsewhere be termed "natural history" or "biology", under the convenient excuse of "magic is inherent in all living things, so why not study living things in their entirety". The actual motivation was most likely that many Society members were unwilling to limit their interests to those included under someone else's definition of "magical". There is an intense love for the natural world that drives the deep desire to understand it more thoroughly in the vast majority of members; they hope to find yet more connection through understanding and to communicate this to people outside the Society. Others look to use their understanding to help others by finding cures or sharing how certain problems might already have solutions if only one looked deep enough or to other species, or they look to develop solutions themselves either through magic or understanding gained.   Of late the Society's research has increasingly shifted to the latter type, that which can provide immediate solutions to pressing questions and especially anything that might boost the productivity of agricultural endeavours. It is felt that diplomatic relationships, such as those with the Keminsáf to the east, depend upon the provision of such knowledge and the recent barley blight has only intensified this pressure.  

The Branch

The Natural Society's main set of facilities is located in the town of Chaem and the buildings are collectively known as the Branch. Chaem was chosen as its location next to a river and in the foothills of the Tolach Naelath provides them with a relatively diverse set of ecosystems within a small area. Members of the Natural Society have the right to access the Branch for their research as it contains laboratories, greenhouses and arable fields, a library, aquariums, stables and barns, and an arcane sensor. Aside from these facilities, many welcome the opportunity for discussions and collaborations or the simple pleasure of living around like-minded people.
Educational, Scientific Institute
Alternative Names
Natural IMPs
Parent Organization
Notable Members

Cover image: by Menatith


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