
Most famous for being a species with many sailors, the Wendyn are small humanoids with large, webbed ears and thick, leathery skin that protects them against the salt water and the sea wind. Their ear canals also have a flap that can close to stop the salt water from getting inside and they have a third eyelid that still allows vision while protecting from heavy spray. As might be expected, the majority of the Naelasáf (who sail up and down the western Dlynaeth coast) are Wendyn, but Wendyn can also be found in the northeastern jungles and the eastern bays and islands of Dlynaeth.   Though (somewhat unkind) jokes exist about their mixed physical traits, they are not amphibious as they do not live in the actual water, but there is no denying that they are as much at home on the coastal lands as they are on the sea. Most of them do have a strong preference for either the one or the other, although this preference is not physically apparent in any way. You are not likely to find Wendyn upon the rivers however; as the general sentiment is often that the rivers are only a sad reflection of a life spent skimming over the salt waves. It is thought likely, especially by those who are interested in studying life forms, that their adaptations to a life near salt water result in some kind of discomfort when predominantly surrounded by sweet water. Like many other lifeforms the Wendyn do need to drink that sweet water, their physical adaptations being very much of a kind that only reduces the impacts of living with so much salt water and wind, but they do require as much regular hydration as most humanoids.
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  "You'd think you'd only find them at sea...but the Wendyn are of both the earth and the waves. Won't deny that it's a special stirring sight though, seeing Wendyn in the prows of their boats as they skim down the coast and into our harbours."
— Someone in the harbour of Medloth

Cover image: by Menatith


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