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Artemis Sindarin

Artemis Sindarin

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic and wiry for a tall person.

Body Features

athletic but not overly muscular,

Facial Features

Long nose, piercing eyes.

Apparel & Accessories

Likes to dress high society but does not like to wear ties. Even when adventuring his clothes match and make him stand out as a best dressed man.

Specialized Equipment

Problem solving

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Raised as adopted member of a caring and loving family of which he lived with his brother "Martin" and their 7 other adopted siblings-he has come into a bit of money recently. It seems that an uncle, on his father's side, recently passed away and left him a sizeable bit of money and some property. He hasn't had time to see the properties but if anything lke   The purpose of becoming a pirate opens up many possibilities. First of all there is the travel to unknown islands and places where he can enhance his knowledge and probably have many crew members to "test" some of his inventions on, eer, with. There is also the rumor of book of engineering schematics that is a blend of magic and mechanics that most learned inventors and creators of the world would die to get it. Shame, they aren't smart enough to realize the pirate life is what is needed to find these hidden tomes of knowledge.


Educated by private tutors until an adult.

Personality Characteristics


Loves a good mystery and challenge. He loves to invent things because it breathes life into an utterly boring existence.

Likes & Dislikes

Dislikes bullies.   Gives the appearance that he is not fond of children but actually loves them because they innocently question everything in life and are often very honest in all their answers.

Vices & Personality flaws

Likes to smoke a pipe filled with cherry or spice tobacco.


Very clean and often the best dressed of a group. When in town prefers long knee length button down jackets and high collared shirts.   When in inventor mode tends to not sleep for days and hardly eats. He can't cook very well so he feels that going without food was probably for the best.

A young half-elven gangly sort of a lad with an intense curiosity for knowledge. The gods gave him ten toes and ten fingers so that means his inventions can only be wrong so many times. Precocious, egotistical, and aloof --or is he?

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lawful good (most of the time)
Brown hair too the collar and covering his ears. Often tussled
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
medium--not pale white
Quotes & Catchphrases
For many life's mysteries are not pure and simple. Oh, how I pity the many.   You know, I just realized something. I have no idea how if this is going to work.   Side effects are creativities way of saying, "Surprise!"

Design Plans: Multi-Op

Initial design plans for crossbow capable of loading various effects upon bolt impact. Initial design plans uploaded to Artemis's gallery section.    

Just a little bit of Artemis's thoughts
Artemis Sindarin

Its not easy being the youngest son of elven nobles, and the and sibling of four brothers and two sisters. All of whom are incredibly gifted in their own right. His brothers, Elas and Darfin, finished head of their class Rekkenmark and have served as war mages for two of the more notable kingdom for nearly five years. While Ailas and Durothil, and sisters Valindra and Renna, have completed their studies at Arcanix at the various campuses of the Arcane Congress over the past decade. All of them accomplished conjurers and masters of divinization amongst the realm, but Durothil and Renna most of all as members of the Royal Eyes. The stories they could tell would amaze you. Well, if they were allowed to tell any stories mind you. Lets not forget the eldest of the brood, Adamar, Adamar Sindarin. Adamar not only studied at Arcanix, but was given the right to finish his advanced studies at the Tower of the Twelve in Karnath. One of the first non-dragonkind to attend the school in advanced studies. So skilled is Adamar, that he is still there as a junior professor. Yes, my family is quite accomplished with their elven born magical talents. Then there is me, Artemis Sindarin.   My parents wanted me to go to Arcanix or Rekkenmark, but neither was of interest to me. Too much hoity toity magic users for my liking. Too many "prim and proper" customs. Besides, I didn't inherit my parents or siblings magical expertise or passion for arcane arts. I rather found myself drawn to tinkering and experimenting on just about every magical and non-magical item that I could find. In fact, I learned over time that I had a talent of being able to blend magic and non-magical into a whole variety of , as my father would say, "gadgets." So it was inevitable that I would end up doing my schooling at Morgave in Breland. For Morgrave, was a school for researchers, inventors, creators, designers, etc. It was also the home of my uncle Octavious .   Ocatavious was, I'm sorry is, a strange one and related to me through my father's sister, Lyra Elojoi. My aunt is a dear, and I love her to death, but my uncle is what made me come to Morgrave. I know what you are thinking. That Octavious is a funny name for a high elf. Well that's because he is a lovable scatterbrained human. Well maybe not scatterbrained, but definitely suffering from an inability to focus on just one topic. I think that's what makes him a great artificer and inventor. Always curious and always being creative! Also being the university's chief artifact custodian meant he had a lot of knowledge on every artifact known to the kingdoms. If my uncle couldn't recall an artifact, weapon, or piece of armor and it abilities, and curses, it hadn't been invented yet.   He also had a passion for a new study he taught and called, "Understanding Crime and the Criminal Mind." I guess my passion for investigating and solving puzzles and mysteries came from spending so much time learning the artificer craft and studies in crime from him. He used to tell me his criminal studies would lead to the birth of a new type of artificer- the Detector! Well, the profession started with the word 'detect" in it. Just not sure of the word's ending. So its five years later and two years removed from my graduation from Morgrave. No I don't work for some king as a master craftsman or noble house as a chief engineer or architect. Nope I have a small two room office where I run an investigative service in the front and my living quarters in the back room. Came with a nice basement though where I was able to do all my tinkering. But, a recent letter from my Aunt Lyra tells me that my uncle Octavious disappeared several months ago on an small party expedition to a series of islands in search of some rare artifacts and a magical book of schematics where mastery of these objects come to life--straight off the pages!   So having done my research it seems that retracing my uncle's steps will bring me to places that only the surly and "less than honest" sea folks will travel to. I'll need to close up shop for a bit and looks like its a pirates life for me and all that. Yoo Hoo Hoo a pirates life for me!