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Conchobhar Shortstone

A gnomish bard with an air of arrogance and a penchant for not paying his debts, Conchobar Shortstone is a divisive figure aboard The Man's Promise. His extraordinary musical talents are tempered by his condescending attitude and somewhat cowardly nature when it comes to physical confrontations.  


Conchobar Shortstone was born into a well-to-do gnome family known for their artistic talents. Encouraged by his parents, he began studying music at a young age, quickly becoming a prodigy in his own right. As his reputation grew, so too did his ego, and he began to develop a reputation for being difficult to work with.   Eventually, Conchobar's inflated sense of self-worth led him to a life of gambling and excess, resulting in mounting debts and a long list of enemies. Desperate for a fresh start and a way to escape his troubles, he signed on as a member of The Man's Promise crew, hoping that his musical abilities would earn him a place on board and a chance to rebuild his life.  


Serving as the ship's bard, Conchobar Shortstone uses his musical talents to entertain the crew and keep morale high during long voyages. While his abilities are undeniably impressive, his arrogance and questionable ethics often put him at odds with his fellow crew members.  


Conchobar's relationships aboard The Man's Promise are a mixed bag. Some crew members admire his talents and enjoy his performances, while others find his arrogance and refusal to pay his debts infuriating. Despite his less-than-stellar reputation, Conchobar does have a small circle of loyal friends who appreciate his wit and intelligence, even if they don't always approve of his actions.


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