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Fipps Chumlett

A burly, bald ex-military man with a penchant for bullying, Fipps Chumlett is a complex character aboard The Man's Promise. Despite his intimidating demeanor, he seeks the freedom and structure that piracy offers, leaving his past behind in pursuit of a new life.  


Fipps Chumlett was born into a strict military family, where discipline and order were the cornerstones of his upbringing. He followed in his family's footsteps and enlisted in the military, where he excelled in combat training and quickly rose through the ranks. However, Fipps found the rigid hierarchy and strict regulations of military life stifling, and yearned for the freedom and adventure that piracy seemed to offer.   After serving several years in the military, Fipps made the difficult decision to abandon his post and seek out a pirate crew willing to take him on. He eventually found his way to The Man's Promise, where his combat skills and experience were highly valued, despite his aggressive nature and propensity for bullying his fellow crew members.  


As a member of The Man's Promise crew, Fipps Chumlett serves as a combat specialist and enforcer, using his strength and military training to maintain order on the ship and protect his fellow pirates during skirmishes and raids. His intimidating presence is often enough to quell disputes and maintain discipline among the crew.  


Fipps Chumlett's relationships with his fellow crew members are often strained due to his bullying nature. While some pirates admire his strength and combat prowess, others find his aggressive behavior off-putting and avoid him whenever possible. Nevertheless, Fipps does have a small group of loyal comrades who respect his military background and appreciate the sense of order he brings to the ship.


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