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First Ship Survey

How would you rate Captain Vivienne's leadership during the last week at sea? Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor   How effectively did Captain Vivienne communicate important information and instructions to the crew during the recent sea monster attack?   Very effectively Somewhat effectively Neither effective nor ineffective Somewhat ineffectively Very ineffectively   Did Captain Vivienne make timely and appropriate decisions to ensure the safety of the crew during the sea monster attack?   Yes, consistently Yes, mostly Sometimes Rarely No, never   Please rate the performance of Commander Artemis in managing the crew's response during the recent sea monster attack:   Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor   How satisfied are you with Commander Gwynn's role in handling the beaching of the vessel after the sea monster attack?   Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied   Did Commander Magnum effectively coordinate the necessary repairs and restoration of the ship following the beaching incident?   Yes, exceptionally well Yes, to a satisfactory extent Average coordination Inadequate coordination No coordination at all   How would you rate Commander Moe's ability to maintain crew morale and resolve conflicts during the recent challenging events?   Excellent Good Average Below Average Poor   Did Commander Martin contribute effectively to the planning and execution of the pirate company Luau party?   Yes, greatly contributed Yes, contributed to some extent Neither contributed nor hindered Somewhat hindered Greatly hindered   Were you satisfied with the overall organization and enjoyment of the pirate company Luau party?   Very satisfied Somewhat satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied   Do you have any additional comments or suggestions regarding Captain Vivienne, the commanders, or any recent events on the Man's Promise? Please provide specific details, if possible. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being shitting bricks, how would rate your feelings during our first sea monster attack?   Given past observations of poor management and discipline techniques, would you prefer a policy in which punish meant sitting in a corner or wearing a tall conical shaped hat? punishment   Do you feel that the captain needs to adopt an open door policy?   Do you feel the captain is open and willing to hear your needs or is more self-involved and wouldn't notice if you fell off the ship in the middle of the night?   Having been on this ship for more than a few weeks which tastes better- shipborne rats or pig?   What constructive criticism, and don't be mean, would you like to offer for our captain's first encounter with a sea monster.   In our efforts to be a more progressive and inclusive pirate crew how do you feel about pigs, or other barnyard animals, being allowed to be members of the crew?
Record, Research Notes


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