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Giffer Tibbs

Giffer Tibbs is a bedraggled gnome with one eye, a scraggly beard, and a love of rum that rivals any sailor on the ship. Despite his disheveled appearance, Giffer is actually quite competent at his job as the ship's carpenter, and takes pride in his work. He has a knack for finding hidden compartments and secrets in the ship's structure, and has been known to stash away a bottle or two of rum for later.   Despite his rough exterior, Giffer is a loyal and reliable crew member, and is well-liked by many of his fellow sailors. He has a tendency to tell tall tales and spin yarns about his adventures at sea, some of which may be true, and others that are likely embellished for dramatic effect. He has a soft spot for those who share his love of rum, and can often be found trading stories and drinks with his fellow crewmates.   Giffer lost his eye in a fight with a rival gnome over a love interest, and now wears a patch over the empty socket. He often jokes about the incident, but those who know him well can see a hint of sadness behind his gruff demeanor. Despite his rough exterior, Giffer has a good heart and is always willing to lend a hand to those in need.


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