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Jack Scrimshaw

Jack Scrimshaw was born and raised in a small coastal village, where he spent most of his time near the shore, exploring tide pools and watching fishermen return with their catches. He quickly developed a fascination with the sea and its creatures, and spent much of his time learning how to carve intricate designs into whalebone and other materials.   As he grew older, Jack's talent for scrimshaw became widely recognized, and he was often commissioned by sailors and merchants passing through the village to create decorative pieces for them to sell or trade. One day, a notorious pirate crew came through town, and Jack was hired to create a scrimshaw piece for their captain, who was impressed by his skill and invited him to join the crew.   Despite his fears, Jack saw an opportunity to see the world and pursue his passion for the sea. He joined the pirate crew, where he honed his skills as a sailor and scrimshaw artist, often creating pieces to commemorate the crew's adventures and victories. Over time, he became a valued member of the crew, trusted for his artistic skill and his ability to bring in extra coin by selling his scrimshaw pieces at port.   Now, aboard The Man's Promise, Jack continues to use his talent to make friends among the crew and earn extra coin. He dreams of someday creating a masterpiece scrimshaw piece that will make him famous throughout the pirate world.


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