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Moe Boom

Moe Boom

Born in a clutch with his brother and sisters Eeny, Meeny and Miny. Mo traveled the land with them searching for adventure. After many mishaps and adventures they ended up outside the forest of Waterdeep where they came upon a wood elf (Dehvirahaman ko Bruhmaeziwakazari) Mr Dehvi and took up living with him to show him how to survive as he was ruining all his meat by cooking it and was alone with no pack. Now this was not true as Mr Dehvi was an accomplished ranger/assassin and was known as "The Ghost of the Steepes" and was living fine on his own. But he liked the unusual clutch and took them in, sharing his meals and items he collected. Dehvi often enjoyed watching them in their antics and ideas, being there to patch them up with a cure wounds spell. But the clutch came to the idea that they need to go out and ascend to their natural dragon forms! Only problem was none of them knew how to do this, so they decided to go their separate ways for the first time since being hatched. The plan was to cover more ground and when they find it, get the others and ascend together! After traveling a great distance by hiding in cargo bays and even one time inside a wine barrel he made his way to Port royal where he first laid eyes on a pirate galley. He saw their many cannons and the size of the powder barrels he decided he would find what ever work brings him near those big BOOMS! Looking to board one of these ships he discovered the port security wasn't going to let him on with out money and that he was flat broke. So he found a shack and setup shop doing the only thing he knew how. Making big booms for all to use. He used his contact Nyx the smuggler to get cheap gunpowder and supplies. Though he is not an expert in his craft he makes up for it with passion and that passion has landed him in front of Doc Martin a number of time. It was Doc Martin who sewed the top part of his ear back on.

A kobold with a dynamite personality!

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