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Nyx (a.k.a. Gwyn)

An eccentric (that's a polite way to say hot mess, right?) changeling trying to balance two lives after she was sacrificed and saved by a deep sea entity.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Typically Nyx wears her androgynous true form, that is pale with slightly elongated limbs and lacking any real details or distinctive features.   Her most used Mask is her previous half-elf body of Gwyn that was lean, toned, and tanned from working on ships all her life.

Facial Features

Though Nyx's face is fairly non-descript she has an eye brow piercing and wears dark kohl liner around her eyes to add shape to her colorless eyes.   When she puts on her Mask of Gwyn, she has the vivid blue and purple Mark of Storm dragonmark on the right side of her face. Though it has lost some of its luster (and magic) now that she is physically a changeling. She also has freckles across her cheeks and nose.

Physical quirks

Always smells slightly of sweet pipe tobacco with hints of caramel.

Special abilities

Can make smoke rings and rolls her own cigarettes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gwyn was born off the coast of Aundair, literally on her father's boat. From the top of the large lighthouse her family called home she could see the private island enclave of House Lyrandar, Stormhome. It was where her mother worked with the Raincallers' Guild using her dragonmark of Storm to help control weather for local sailors and fisherman. It was through this work that she met Gwyn's elven father.   Being children of a dragonmarked parent, they all underwent the Test of Siberys for House Lyrandar once they turned 13. They were stranded in a dinghy on storm-tossed water and had to make their way safely to land. Generally, if the fear of drowning was not enough to awaken the candidate's mark, the fear of being lost at sea is often cited as the catalyst to achieve the desired result. Thanks to their father, all five of the Kennyraear children had made the water their second home and passed the task itself. Only her older sister Ariawyn manifested the dragonmark during the test.   Gwyn's mark manifested after the test when her crush and first love, Bastian, gave her a congratulatory kiss (her first kiss *^.^*). The vivid blue and purple mark manifested on the right side of her face. It always brightened a bit when others with the same mark were near.   Inspired by their mother, Ariawyn and Gwyn, went to train and work for House Lyrandar. Her older sister moved up the ranks to be an integral favored member of the House. Gwyn's confidence on the open waters and her affable personality steered her toward the Raincallers' Guild like her mother. More often than not she found herself working along side Bastian on the local fish boats. At first she enjoyed spending so much time with her beau, though she started to wish for more excitement and to see more of the open seas beyond Aundair.   Gwyn was beside herself when Ariawyn told her that she had been recommended for a new project, a covert operation to infiltrate the Wind Whisperers and collect intel on the pirate prince Koulton Brightwind, an exonerated dragonmarked member of House Lyrandar. He was known for picking up half-elves with the Mark of Storm dragonmarked for his crews.   Leaving home was bittersweet. Though she could not share all the details with her loved ones, they were all extremely supportive. Bastian, not so much. He was happy with his fisherman life and didn't understand why she couldn't be happy with it and was so eager to run away from him.   Dressed in shabby ship hand clothes she set off for Lhazaar Principalities. She knew their ship would be plundered at some point, and her goal was to be conscripted into the pirates' service. When they were finally attacked she was not taken in as expected. A burly man calling himself captain said to continue with their good fortune a sacrifice must be made to the sea. Gwyn drew the short straw. She was bound and gagged then tossed into water.   As she sank to the bottom of the Lhazaar Sea, far and rage burned through her body. Her life was just starting. House Lyrandar had long ruled the seas and the family crest was a kracken. She refused to be just another body that will never be found on the ocean floor. She was determined to survive and she would have vengeance. Even if it meant sinking every ship in every ocean to appease the sea gods.   As the light disappeared and her lungs burned for air, something answered her. It offered her life for the promise of sunken riches. The first offering would her current body in exchange for a new one. Driven by the will to live, she agreed. Next thing she remembered was waking up in a Jorasco clinic with a new face, a new identity, and new abilities. In her belongings she found a smoke pipe in the shape of a kracken.

Gender Identity

Gwyn was born female, and generally continues to identify as such. As she spends more time as Nyx, gender becomes less concrete in their mind since they can become anyone.


Gwyn identified as straight From the awkward run ins with former lovers, she has learned that Nyx identified as yes.


Gwyn had basic schooling and education, with some magic specialization at Stormhome when her dragonmark manifested.   She doesn't think Nyx had any real formal schooling.


Agent for House Lyrandar, which she still maintains by putting on her Mask of Gwyn when necessary. She has yet to explain to them her exact current situation. She feels its need to know information, and House Lyrandar doesn't need to know.   Smuggler. Nyx had a pretty simple smuggling business working with local artisans and crime syndicate. She hopes maintaining these connections will get her closer to the men who tried to kill her and eventually infiltrating The Wind Whisperers.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She takes immense pride that her confidence in her abilities that when she took The Siberys Test, she completed the task of navigating the storm-tossed waters to safety in one of the fastest time. In addition that she did not become stressed enough to manifest her dragonmark.

Failures & Embarrassments

Shortly after waking up as Nyx, she was trying to convince a contact to take a gaudy piece of art you found in your apartment, only to find out the contact was a former lover who had gifted the piece to Nyx as a token of the love they would share even if they were no longer together.

Mental Trauma

Having been sacrificed does something to a person. Makes something in their mind snap. There are days she struggles with the anger of the life she lost and tries to drown it in alcohol, coitus, and smoking (tobacco or drugs).

Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy

She has never thought the world was black and white, but with her new pursuits she is definitely morally gray.


She will not harm those she believes are innocent.

Personality Characteristics


She still wants to complete the task she was given to infiltrate the pirate prince, but now she is willing to sink every ship and drown every adversary in her way to punish those who sacrificed her to the sea.   Aspiration. Someday I’ll own my own ship and chart my own destiny.

Vices & Personality flaws

She has learned that Nyx had vices, several of them in fact.   The circles she works in now, she believes everyone has a price and is cynical toward those who present themselves as virtuous.   Also there is a hatred and rage that is always just under the surface of her composure that can make her erratic.   Once someone questions my courage, I never back down no matter how dangerous the situation.   She will die talking shit


Contacts & Relations

Doc Martin - who tended to her when she first woke up as Nyx. Technically, she still owes him for his care.   Mo Boom - one of Nyx's clients who she would acquire gunpowder and other artillerist contraband. He helped fill in some of the blanks to help with Nyx's "amnesia".   Vivienne Redgrave - Frequented the same tavern and shared some drinks, which lead to working a simple movement of not so legally acquired goods.   L3 - Vivienne's younger brother. She has seen then around Mo's shop and shared some pleasantries.

Family Ties

Mother: Tamsyn d'Lysandar (half-elf) - House Lysandar Agent (Exploration) Father: Ro'athalvin Kennyaear (elf) - Sailor/fisherman   Siblings - Gwyn is the middle child of 5 children Ariawyn - older sister Kieran - older brother Thervan - younger brother Maia - younger sister

An erratic changeling who is just as likely to befriend you as she is to throw you into the sea.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Gwyn is technically d'Lysandar
Current Residence
Lhazaar Principalities
Colorless, ringed in black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, slightly flushed from sun
139 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm here for a good time, not a long time."   "I've discovered this body has vices, and currently craves Tequila."
Known Languages
Common Elvish Halfling

Did You Forget

Who am I? Am I Gwyn or Nyx or… something else? Am I still Gwyn? A half-elf from Aundair? Am I the changeling from Cyre? Or are you a goddess? Who are you? No, wait! Not you, ME! Who am I? A Raincaller for Stormhome? A smuggler in the Lhazaar Principalities? Did you steal a life? Did you forget? Am I Bastian’s beloved? Viv’s sometimes lover? You’re above all that. I AM Gwyn! Did you forget? Am I Nyx? Did you forget? Am I both? You are dark things. Did you forget? FUCK!

Test of Siberys - Welcome to House Lyrandar

Gwyn clasped her hands tightly around a cup of tea that her father had brewed to help calm her nerves. The warmth seeped from the ceramic and helped keep back the chill of her small bedroom. She could hear the muffled noises of her family moving below on the main floor of the lighthouse making their preparations for the day. Today was a big day for the community, but there were still chores that had to be done. The world didn't stop just because House Lyrandar decided to hold their Siberys test for dragonmarked candidates.   Her father had joked that she would take any excuse to shirk her duties, but he had shoved a cup of tea and a local map of the bay into her hands and told her to go up to her room and study. Though it was well past sunrise, the sky was dark with ominous storm clouds. Heavy drops of rain pounded against the windows as the wind howled. The weather was absolutely awful, which she guessed was the point.   [At least the Raincaller's won't have to work too hard today. Mother nature took care of setting the stage.]   Looking down at the map she chuffed. This was not a test she could study to pass. The goal was to fail so superbly that a dragonmark would manifest. Ariawyn explained that she would be stranded on a dinghy out in the middle of the bay as a storm raged around her and her task was to find her way back to land safely. It seemed wrong. Most of their community was raised on the water, it was their second home. It wouldn't be the first time she had been out in the water in poor conditions. However, Ariawyn did manifest her mark during the test from the sheer stress of not sure if she would drown or be lost at sea. Kieran had capsized and still did not manifest a mark.   She was oddly calm and wondered if the other two candidates who were being tested today felt the same way. Then she did feel jittery butterflies. One of the candidates was Bastian. Her cheeks flushed just thinking about the young man. He was a tall, lanky red-haired half-elf whose family worked the docks. He had yet to grow into his height and gangly limbs, but she found him so attractive. When you're thirteen infatuation is truly blind.   ........................................................ The water was cold. Why did the water have to be so cold? She gripped the tiller tightly as the dinghy bobbed up and down on the rough waves. The wind howled around her, whipping hair into her face and stinging her skin with artic droplets of rain. She strained to see through the hammering rain, trying to make out the shoreline, but everything was shrouded in mist and darkness. Lightning flashed across the sky, illuminating the sea around her. She could smell the burning air.   How long had she'd been out here in the storm? It felt like ages. Waves continued to crash over the sides causing the dinghy to take on more and more water. Soon she would need to start bailing water to keep afloat. She felt a sense of panic rising in her chest. What kind of pompous assholes would put a child through this?   "Focus on what you can control Ion-nín," her father's voice echoed in her head. "Keep your eyes on the horizon, not the waves. And never let fear take control." She was starting to tire. Her muscles ached and her hands were numb from the cold, but she refused to give up.   As if to test her resolve, a sudden gust of wind caught the sail causing the dinghy to rock so hard throwing her into the icy depths. For a moment she floundered in the water, disoriented. She remembered her father's training and kicked her legs hard. Breaking the surface she grasped for breath, coughing up saltwater.   Looking around she spotted the dinghy thankfully still afloat not too far from her. Digging deep she found a reserve of strength and determination. She swam toward the small vessel and pulled herself back into it. Exhausted, she took stock of her situation. She knew she couldn't control the storm or the sea, but she could control how she responded to it.   "FUCK!" Her voice cracked as she screamed into the wind. Then set to work of bailing water from the bottom of the boat, adjusted the tattered sail and got the boat moving through the waves. Despite the continuing storm she felt the fear subside almost completely when she spotted a slight glimmer of light off in the distance. The lighthouse, her home, a beacon of hope that she was nearly done with this nightmare.   As quickly as it had started the storm stopped and she could see the beach lined with the figures of the proctors and Raincallers administering the test. As she approached the beach her father ran out into the water and helped her pull the boat onto the sand. He smiled knowingly. "I knew you could do it Ion-nín. You're a natural on the water, just like your old man."   One of the House Lyrandar delegates, a pinched-faced woman with a bored look, approached her. "Follow me for inspection. The mark can manifest anywhere on the body. Hopefully, at least one of you will have it. Otherwise, what a waste."   She was led to a large tent that was kept warm with a large fire in the center. There were tables full of fruits and meats and drink. The other two candidates sat patiently in large fur lined robes in Lyrandar's blue and silver house colors. She briefly made eye contact with Bastian who gave her an encouraging smile. Blushing, she turned away quickly and followed the delegate behind a privacy barrier.   The woman gestured for her to stand in the center and to disrobe. The pinched-faced woman did not seem to even notice Gwyn's nudity as she examined her body looking for a dragonmark. It was thorough and humiliating. She had never been in such a state of undress in front of anyone other than her mother or sisters. Ariawyn had prepared her for this step, so she swallowed her embarrassment and prayed for it to be over quickly.   Finally, the woman stepped back, a look of annoyance on her narrow face. "Not surprising, nothing. Go ahead and get dressed and sit with the other candidates."   Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, and she couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Her wet hair was plastered to her face except where the woman had pushed it back to check her scalp, and her skin was flushed from the inspection. She looked like a mad person. She quickly donned the fur-lined robe, grateful for the warmth and comfort. She attempted to finger combed her hair and composed herself. Taking a deep breath and straightening her shoulders she left the small room to go sit with Bastian and Ivellios.   To her surprise the tent had filled considerably with members and delegates of House Lyrandar and spectators who had come to watch the test. Bastian grinned at her and waved her over to the empty spot next to him. A plate heaping with hot food placed on the table for her. Her face grew hot as butterflies began to flutter wildly in her stomach.   You were just naked in front of a complete stranger, but seeing your crush makes nervous?   Sliding into the chair she eagerly dug in, grateful for the warmth and sustenance. As she ate, she listened to the murmurs and whispers, trying to get a sense of the atmosphere. The Siberys test was always a small celebration, but she could tell the delegates were disappointed another group of candidates did not manifest a dragonmark.   "That must have been terrifying"   "I'm sorry, what?" She snapped her attention to Bastian. He laughed and she felt the butterflies again, her face growing hot. She just hoped she hadn't turned the same color as his red hair.   "They were saying you were thrown into the water, but were back in the dinghy before the Raincallers could even react to calm the storm. That must have been terrifying. When I went in, I thought I'd never see land again. Thankfully they ended my test shortly after that."   "Oh," she smiled and looked to her nearly empty plate. Why is my face so freaking hot? "Yeah, it was pretty scary. I just remembered what my dad told me about not letting fear control me, so I pushed through it. I'm pretty sure a lot of it was luck too."   "Honestly, that's super cool." He placed his hand on her arm and leaned in close. His warm breath tickling her neck. The butterflies in her stomach could not be calmed. "If anyone was going to get their boat back to shore, it was going to be you. You're that amazing."   He closed the distance completely between them and placed a gentle kiss on her right cheek. Suddenly her face felt like it was on fire. A burning sensation crept over her cheek and up her temple. She cried out and clasped her hands to her face. A wave of panic and confusion washed over her as the burning sensation subsided and was replaced by a warm tingling. She looked over at Bastian whose face was a mix of confusion and worry.   The whole tent turned to look at her, and she dropped her hands. There was a collective gasp until the pinched-faced woman stepped forward with a smile on her face. "So today was not a waste after all. Welcome to House Lyrandar, Gwyn."


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