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Pirate's Code


  This document, known as the Pirate's Code (the code), is a set of guidelines that govern the actions and operations of Order of the Brethren (the corporation). It serves as a blueprint for ethical and lawful conduct within the organization, and outlines the rights and responsibilities of the members of the The Seafaring Syndicate (the board), governing body of the corporation, as well as the individual employees.   The Pirate's Code covers a range of topics, including the distribution of plunder, discipline, conflict resolution, and amending the code itself. It also includes a section on parlay, which outlines the proper protocol for negotiations with other companies or ships.   The corporation and its members are expected to adhere to the guidelines set forth in this code at all times, and any violations may result in disciplinary action. Provisions within this document may be ignored in times where it would threaten life, liberty, or property. All violations deemed egregious enough will be thoroughly investigated as detailed in Article VI.   The Pirate's Code is a living document, subject to change and revision as deemed necessary by the board to ensure the continued success and prosperity of the corporation.  

Article I: Distribution of Plunder

  Section 1. All plunder acquired by members of the corporation shall be placed in the common account minus a percent allocated based on the current agreed upon rate as decided by the board.   Section 2. Members of the board shall have the right to veto any distribution of a vessel's share of the plunder that he or she deems unfair or unjust on vessels they control.   Section 3. The board shall vote on disagreements regarding the distribution of plunder, with each member having one vote.  

Article II: Discipline

  Section 1. Any employee found guilty of insubordination, cowardice, or embezzlement shall be terminated from employment.   Section 2. Any employee found guilty of desertion shall be subject to appropriate legal action.   Section 3. Members of the board shall have the right to administer any punishment he or she deems appropriate for any other infraction of the code on vessels they control.  

Article III: Resolving Conflicts

  Section 1. Any disputes between employees shall be settled by a vote of the crew.   Section 2. The Captain shall have the casting vote in the event of a tie.   Section 3. The employees shall abide by the decision of the vote.  

Article IV: Amending the Corporate Code

  Section 1. The code may be amended by a vote of the board, with a two-thirds majority needed for passage.   Section 2. The Pirate King shall have the right to veto any amendment to the code that he or she deems detrimental to the welfare of the corporation.  

Article V: Parlay

  Section 1. The corporation shall always engage in negotiations before engaging in business with another company.   Section 2. During the negotiation, no hostile actions shall be taken and all parties shall remain in good faith until the agreement is concluded.   Section 3. Any employee or member of the corporation found guilty of breaking the terms of a negotiation shall be subject to disciplinary action.   Section 4. Free-Captains, or independent business owners, may also request a parlay with the corporation and will be granted the same rights and protection as outlined in sections 1-3.  

Article VI: Investigations of Violations

  Section 1. Any violations of the code shall be investigated by a committee appointed by the board.   Section 2. The committee shall be composed of at least three members, appointed by the board.   Section 3. The committee shall have the authority to gather evidence, interview witnesses, and determine the guilt or innocence of any employee or member of the corporation accused of violating the code.   Section 4. The committee's findings and recommendations for disciplinary action, if any, shall be presented to the board for a vote.   Section 5. The decision of the board shall be final.  

Article VII: The Pirate King

  Section 1. The position of The Pirate King shall be an elected position within the corporation.   Section 2. The Pirate King shall be elected by a majority vote of the board.   Section 3. The Pirate King shall serve a term of two years, after which a new election shall be held.   Section 4. The Pirate King shall have the power to veto any decision made by the board, and shall act as the final authority in all matters concerning the corporation.   Section 5. The Pirate King may be removed from office by a vote of no confidence from the Order of the board, requiring a two-thirds majority vote.  

Article VIII: Membership in the Seafaring Syndicate

  Section 1. Any ship captain may apply for membership in the Seafaring Syndicate by submitting a written application to the Pirate King.   Section 2. The Pirate King shall review the application and determine if the candidate is fit for membership.   Section 3. The board shall vote on the acceptance of the candidate, with a two-thirds majority needed for approval.   Section 4. Once accepted, the ship captain shall swear an oath of allegiance to The Order of the Brethren and the Pirate's Code.   Section 5. Any member of the Seafaring Syndicate who violates the Pirate's Code shall be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including death and expulsion from the corporation.   Section 6. Each member of the Seafaring Syndicate shall be required to pay a regular membership fee, the amount of which shall be determined by the Pirate King and the board relative to the current assets controlled by the captain.     IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned members of the Order of the Brethren have executed this Pirate's Code as of the date first above written.
Guide, Generic


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