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Hallmarks: Eberron dragonshards, rare herbs

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Q'barra is a young nation on the edge of Khorvaire, an untamed frontier filled with danger and opportunity. During the golden age of Galifar, few humans bothered to cross the Endworld Mountains to explore the vast jungle beyond. When the Last War broke out, a fleet of settlers came to Q'barra in search of a new home far from the war. As this settlement expanded, the settlers discovered massive deposits of Eberron dragonshards. Over the past decade, a wave of prospectors, wandslingers, refugees, and fortune-seekers have descended on Q'barra, along with brigands, deserters from the war, and all manner of criminals and opportunists.   To their surprise, Q'barra was already home to a number of ancient civilizations humans know nothing about: the lizardfolk of the Cold Sun Federation, the dragonborn of Ka'rhashan, and the confederacy of the Poison Dusk lizardfolk. Most settlers refer to them collectively as "scales." King Sebastes ir'Kesslan of Newthrone has established a treaty with the Cold Sun Federation, but communication has been difficult and prospectors rarely abide by the terms of the treaty.

Interesting Things About Q'barra

  • Q'barra is one of the richest sources of Eberron dragonshards in Khorvaire, drawing waves of settlers and prospectors to this young and growing nation on the edge of civilization.
  • Certain ruins in Q'barra appear connected to the Age of Demons. The settlers know little of the history of this region, but the Poison Dusk lizardfolk have ties to fiendish powers.
  • House Tharashk has a strong presence in Q'barra. Tharashk is the primary buyer of Eberron dragonshards and also runs large-scale mining operations here.

Q'barran Characters

  Q'barra tempts explorers from the west with the prospects of wealth and new lands to conquer—mostly humans but including members of all races found in Khorvaire. Settlers, dragonborn, and lizardfolk characters who originate here should consider the following: Settlers. Q'barra is an excellent place to explore the traditional archetypes of the classic Western. As a paladin, you could be a lone sheriff seeking to protect your newly formed mining village. Your cleric could be the town preacher. As a sorcerer or bard with a criminal background, you could be a dashing wandslinger looking for trouble and gold.   Renegades and Regrets. Q'barra promises a land of opportunity and a place where you can leave your past behind. Are you a deserter? Were you convicted of a crime you didn't commit? Are you fleeing from a broken heart? Q'barra has also drawn Cyran refugees and newly freed warforged, both seeking a home in the wild east.   Lizardfolk. The lizardfolk's primitive culture blends druidic traditions with the beliefs of the Silver Flame. You might have been sent to study the softskins—to learn about them and potentially serve as an envoy for your people. Alternatively, you could be following a spiritual vision.   Dragonborn. The dragonborn live amid the remnants of ancient glory. They have a proud martial tradition, and a number of dragonborn venture west in search of worthy challenges. If you follow this path, you might have served as a mercenary in the Last War.

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