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Hallmarks: Entertainers, international intrigue, spies

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After forging a united kingdom, Galifar I realized early on that the crown could not rule from one of the existing realms. To do so would be to put one of the Five Nations above the others, and that would lead to breaks and fractures that would eventually destroy the kingdom. Thus, he established his seat of power on an island in Scions Sound. There he built the great castle of Thronehold.   After Jarot's death and the rejection of the line of succession that led to the Last War, the island and castle were largely abandoned. A special detachment of House Deneith guards, the Throne Wardens, remained in place to protect the castle, but all government functions ceased with the collapse of the Kingdom of Galifar.   Throneport, a town in the shadow of the castle, became a place for dissidents, criminals, spies, and mercenaries, and the once safe port turned into a rough-and-tumble town without allegiance to any single nation.  

Aftermath of the Last War

  By 975 YK, Throneport had grown into a small city in which all of the nations and dragonmarked houses had at least a small presence, turning it into a hotbed of international intrigue. The Treaty of Thronehold further solidified Throneport as a multinational capital under the control of small peacekeeping forces from Aundair, Breland, Karrnath, and Thrane, with House Deneith Throne Wardens in place to make sure the terms of the treaty are honored. Today, the small city is neutral ground, but the castle and its grounds remain off limits and under the watchful protection of the wardens.

Interesting Things about Thronehold

  • Representatives (and spies) of the Five Nations gather in the town of Throneport, where it's impossible to tell friend from foe and alliances shift daily.
  • Although Cyre no longer has a peacekeeping force on the island, many Cyrans find work here as spies and agents for other nations.

Thronehold Characters

  Cold Warriors. Thronehold is a gladiatorial arena for diplomats and spies, a dangerous playground for bored nobles, and a haven for treacherous double agents. Characters with the charlatan, spy, noble, or criminal background might all test their skills here.   Play It Again. If diplomats and spies have one thing in common, it's a weakness for pleasant distractions. When not playing their games of deceit, they seek out the best entertainment and companionship the island has to offer. Characters with the entertainer background can make many untrustworthy friends here.

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