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Hallmarks: Elves, horses, mercenaries

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In the midst of the Last War, an army of Tairnadal warrior elves from Aerenal seized this region from Cyre, invoking a claim to the land from long before humanity's arrival on the continent. The elves of Valenar devote themselves to the arts of war. Their cavalry has no equal in Khorvaire, and they combine a talent for magic with stealth and swordplay. Cyre employed the Valenar as mercenaries until the elves betrayed Cyre and took a corner of the nation for themselves. These lands escaped the destruction visited upon the rest of Cyre. After the Mourning, no one wanted to challenge the Valenar's claim to the land they had taken; in the interests of peace, the Treaty of Thronehold recognized the new elf kingdom of Valenar.   Valenar elves spend little time at rest, operating in small units called warbands. Those who aren't patrolling the kingdom travel abroad seeking adventure. Half-elves handle the civic administration. Some of these are the children of Valenar elves, but most are immigrants who've come from elsewhere in Khorvaire in search of opportunity. Cyran humans still occupying the region fall below them in rank. Once citizens of Cyre, now they're citizens of Valenar. Little has changed for the commoners, most of whom don't care who wears the crown.   The harsh sands of the Blade Desert cover northern Valenar and serve as a natural barrier between this land and the rest of Khorvaire. Beyond the desert, Valenar transitions from rolling steppes to fertile plains. The desert can be deadly, but the Valenar elves pose the greatest risk for adventurers. The elves won't interfere with peaceful caravans, but a well-armed group of travelers invites challenges.  

Aftermath of the Last War

  There's a popular saying in Taer Valaestas: "The shadow of war hangs long over Valenar." War defines Valenar culture. The Treaty of Thronehold recognized Valenar as a sovereign nation, but the elves are already pushing the limits of the treaty. Some venture into the Mournland or the untamed jungles of Q'barra, and Valenar warbands have launched raids into Darguun and Karrnath. High King Shaeras Vadallia has promised to rein in his warriors, but many believe that the elves will continue their provocation. Their main interest is conflict with a worthy foe—and they might want Darguun or Karrnath to declare war.   Because of this, the nation remains on a war footing. Villages find it challenging to produce the supplies required to maintain the elf army. Still, the Valenar are rarely cruel overlords. As long as a village can meet its quotas, the elves leave it alone, though villages that fall below expectations are more likely to receive assistance from druidic advisors than punishment.

Interesting Things About Valenar

  • The dragonmarked House Lyrandar helped the Valenar elves build the infrastructure of their kingdom. The half-elves have no homeland, but House Lyrandar hopes to make Valenar a haven for its people.
  • The ancestors of the elves fought goblins for control of this region many thousands of years ago. Relics of that struggle are still scattered across Valenar and the Blade Desert: ruins, haunted fortresses, and battlefields that have slipped out of alignment with time.
  • Valenar warbands include druids and rangers, and druidic magic bolsters the military arsenal of the elves. Walls of thorns surround elven fortresses, and beasts fight alongside the elves. Valenar horses are known for being as fearless and stubborn as the elves who ride them.

Valenar Characters

  Martial Role. Valenar was forged in war. As an elf, consider your role in a warband. Are you a simple soldier, an acolyte devoted to the elven ancestors, or a sage familiar with your Valenar history? As a half-elf, you might be an entertainer, a sailor, or a guild artisan working to support the elf army, or you might be a charlatan seeking opportunities. As a human from Valenar, you could be an urchin born in Taer Valaestas, or a folk hero fighting for the common people.   Dreams. Have you left Valenar behind, or are your aspirations tied to the new kingdom? As a half-elf with Valenar blood, do you want to be recognized as a true Valenar—granted a bond to a patron ancestor and a chance at immortality—or are you more interested in building a homeland for your people? As a human whose land the elves reclaimed, do you want to work with the elves or do you want to drive them out—and if so, who do you want to replace them?   Animal Companions. Feytouched beasts play an important role in Valenar society. The Valenar are known for their steeds, but a wide range of Valenar beasts bond with non-elves. As a starting character, you might not have established a connection to a Valenar beast. If you return to Valenar later in your adventuring career, perhaps you will find your bondmate.

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