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Hallmarks: Alchemy, education, elemental binding, entertainment, gnomes, precious stones

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At first glance, the homeland of the gnomes appears to be a paradise. City streets are bright and clean, the universities and libraries are the finest in Khorvaire, everyone seems happy and helpful, and crime is all but unheard of. But Zil society teems with layers of intrigue and blackmail invisible to human eyes. The Trust, a ruthless secret police force, eliminates any threat to society.   Zilargo isn't a tyranny. Each major city has a democratically elected ruling council and a seat on the Triumvirate that governs the nation; the Trust reports to the Triumvirate. The Zil gnomes built this system, and they are quite happy with it. Their streets are safe, and as long as you play by the rules of the game, the Trust ignores you. Outsiders find this casual acceptance of preemptive assassination to be terrifying, but the Zil genuinely trust the Trust.   Zil gnomes live within a web of intrigues. The Trust condones their actions, as long as they break no laws and don't threaten the state or the status quo. A gnome charlatan can connive to steal a jewel mine from another gnome—as long as the charlatan accomplishes the deed through cunning, negotiation, or deception rather than violence or outright theft, and as long as the mine stays in Zil hands. The same applies to adventurers planning schemes in Zilargo. Violence draws attention and deadly consequences from the Trust, but intrigue is perfectly acceptable.   The Trust is a network of spies and assassins. Most agents of the Trust simply pass information through dead drops; some estimate that a third of the nation works for the Trust in this capacity. When the Trust identifies a threat, it acts preemptively. Trust agents prefer to solve a problem without violence—by sharing a piece of information or a whispered warning sent via a message spell. But the Trust won't hesitate to eliminate a threat, whether with poison, spell, or blade. Typically, a target never sees the agent of their demise.  

Aftermath of the Last War

  Walking the streets of Korranberg, one might never know that the war occurred. Zilargo avoided most of the violence of the Last War, and cosmetic magic and illusions were employed to repair the few cities that suffered damage. Many Zil prefer to ignore the war completely, referring to it as "that unpleasantness to the north." Nonetheless, Zilargo was a staunch ally of Breland during the war, providing the nation with ships, intelligence, and elemental weaponry. This aid left the nation with enemies. The Order of the Emerald Claw has launched attacks on Zil communities, and certain cells of Breland's Swords of Liberty accuse the Zil of manipulating Breland. The Trust has contained these attacks, but it always anticipates more trouble ahead.   The jewel miners of eastern Zilargo often clash with the goblins of Darguun and the kobolds that live in Seawall Mountains. These skirmishes could expand into wider conflicts.   Overall, however, little has changed in Zilargo because the Trust keeps the nation on a steady path. Adventurers who travel through Zilargo would be wise to avoid causing trouble or drawing the Trust's attention.

Zil Characters

  Family Ties. In a nation shaped by intrigue, you need someone you can rely on. For the Zil, that's family. Unless you're an orphan, discuss your family with your DM. What's their business? Who's your favorite relative? Are you currently involved in any family schemes? Family members might call on you for help over the course of your adventurers, but they can also be a resource for you.   Knowledge and Power. The Zil prize knowledge above all else. Sage is a suitable background for any Zil; charlatan and spy are also appropriate, reflecting their love of intrigue. Classes that specialize in melee combat are rare among the Zil. The soldiers of Zilargo include rogues, bards, wizards, and artificers.   The Trust. In creating a Zil character, consider whether you have any ties to the Trust. A vast number of gnomes serve as the eyes and ears of the Trust, reporting interesting information to a Trust handler. As an active agent, you could receive missions tied to your current adventures. If you and your companions are fighting the Emerald Claw, you might have a secondary assignment to eliminate a specific Claw agent or acquire a particular object from their base. While the spy background is a logical choice for a Trust agent, the agency recruits characters of every class and background. Your class abilities reflect specialized training and granted abilities—the magical equivalent of spy gadgets!

Interesting Things about Zilargo

  • Most consider the Library of Korranberg the finest repository of knowledge in Khorvaire.
  • The Korranberg Chronicle is the leading source of news in Khorvaire. Gnome chroniclers travel across Khorvaire in search of stories.
  • The major cities of Zilargo maintain temples and shrines dedicated to every religion. Most Zil explore a few faiths before settling on one; others practice multiple religions.

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