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Samenvatting sessie 2

The second session started with everyone in the carriage belonging to Feremas Lorelei. The two lovebirds in front, and the rest of the party in back. They soon set off to the party being given by lord barrister in his villa-estate. The road there was through a dense forest, where the party soon encountered some bandits that were lying in wait for any party goers. They demanded 100 gold per person, or their lives. They decided to take neither option, with Emanon leading the charge and hurling a firebolt at Marcus, the leader of the bandits.   His friends and allies immediately sprung to action, reacting quicker than the party could. Soon, Feremas was heavily bleeding, Morkairon was heavily bleeding, the driver of the carriage, Bertrand, was having a rendesvouz with the godess of the afterlife and the party was outnumbered 2 to 1. Through Erifno being a literal tanky war machine, tanking all of the damage and reparing himself without any effort the party were given the chance to strike back. And they did.   The bandit captain's lackeys, kyle and fili were soon disposed of, one by morkairon using his hexblade and draining the lifeforce out of him, the other being stabbed in the back by an ornate dagger held in the hands of Feremas. Elkyria won over this fair elven noble's heart by healing and protecting him, together with bringing morkairon back to full health. A sliver of her healing reserve was also given to poor bertrand, who smartly didn't move a muscle in reaction, with him being in sight of the archers creeping in and all.   The bandit captain marcus proved a strong opponent, but after not only being flanked but fully surrounded he was knocked unconsious and subsequently hogtied. Upon seeing the defeat of their captain the archers scattered and left him and a very broken bow behind.   Morkairon found this forest to be the perfect environment for some ingredients for his potions: wonderful flowers all around, old trees and young grass, oh and some tiefling ears and horns to be harvested. Feremas checked on his driver and found him recovering but a little shellshocked, and expressed his growing love and thanks to Elkyria, especially after she showed to be capable of mending his very expensive, and very much full of holes suit. Elkyria accepted these professions with a wonderfully bright smile. Emanon looted the poor bandit captain and repaired and mended his armor, to be able to give it to Morkairon.   Elkyria soon found out she seems to not only feel Corellon's guidance, but also see it in her actions. Through some inspirational words and the gift of a holy symbol Marcus the bandit captain was transformed into Marcus Turner, paladin of Corellon to be. This change in him was signified by all but one of his luscious red locks being sacrificed to Corellon in exchange for a shaven head, and him giving up the location of the hoard of gold and items he and his compatriots had been obtaining. The party recognised and encouraged this change in him and gave the gold of this hoard with him to start his life anew, but kept the magic items found in there: Bands of archery for Elkyria, gauntlets of ogre power for Emanon and by extension Erifno, and boots of striding and springing for Morkairon.   This encounter taken care of the party went to the party, to accomplish what had originally started them on this mission: The stealing and replacing of the silver raven. After not checking in any weapons, Elkyria made quite an entrance in a wonderful dance with Feremas, stealing the spotlight for a solid minute or two. The rest of the party entered quietly behind her. Some succesful dancing and subsequent mingling later, Elkyria got talking with lady Frey Maniscar, head of house Maniscar, who seemed to believe Elkyria's fake noble background as Elkyria Waterford. Lady Frey hinted that she knew of their mission, and that she was begrundled by one of the reasons of this party: The engagement of Juno Maniscar and Cett Barrister. Elkyria certainly seemed to garner a bit of her favour, but not enough yet to learn the reason why this raven was of such importance to her.   Morkairon and Emanon weren't sitting still either. Scheming on the balcony the two crafted a plan, which was promptly executed. What was that plan? Just-fucking-ram-the-guard-and-brute-force-the-problem-without-being-seen-because-everybody-is-focused-on-a-different-loud-sound, but it was stopped dead in its tracks by the sheer strength of Cern, the retired batallion leader turned honour guard of the Barrister family. Morkairon chose a more subtle approach, making Cern drink heavily on the job. Through this he learned of the history of the silver raven: some rumours say houses fought over it, and that it was heavily involved in the creation and destruction of noble lineages and houses. Cern thinks these rumours to be just that, fake tales from the past created by and meant to gas up any current owner of the silver raven. His heavy drinking had consequences however, it resulted in him being publicly scolded by lord barrister and being forced to go drink some water before being allowed to return to his post.   This presented an opportunity for Morkairon and Emanon, with Emanon sneakily switching the two ravens... but Morkairon loudly dropped the glass case back in place, making all eyes suddenly focus only on him...   Oh, and in this tumult Elkyria noticed her orange lover, realising he had certainly noticed her and her wonderful entrance...   And this cliffhanger concluded the third session! Let's see how party gets themselves out of this predicament in session 3... Tune in June 28th for another installment of dnd with raar!

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