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Samenvatting sessie 7

In this session the party started of far apart. Elkyria received a vision of her god upon her untimely demise, being killed by the leader of this group of the silent flame as revenge for her casting hold person on him which allowed the others to escape. In this vision she saw wonderful locales, from shifting sands to forests, from fancy banquets to dark depths. Elkyria, Kayleigh's character DM NOTES She came out of this vision a changed woman, well... tree. This form wasn't her final form however, as Corellon pulled Elkyria out as Elkyrella on the border of the forest and the city.   The other two, Emanon and Morkairon were able to get away, not worrying about getting lost because of Emanon's Keen mind. Once they got out of sight, they set out north, to Gran. On the way they met the young brass dragon Numdol Keentail, telling him their stories and hearing his. He told them about his hoard, and the great adult red dragon Malacar in the west. They continued on to Gran and found a night's stay in either the cracked cup. After they solicited succesfully as caravan guards for Borgo, one of the merchants selling gems and stones, and his caravan, led by Marcus Brend. They would leave in the morning.   Elkyrella went into the city looking for Feremas, finding him in his family home. She quickly explained everything that happened to her, from the delving into the dungeon, finding the artifact, the dying, the vision and waking up as a tree. Feremas was surprised but took the news of her transformation well, even planning a date as the result of this conversation. This meant that Elkyrella got to go to Gnucci's again! And this time sponsored by the lorelei estate! Elisabeth, or Ellie, took her first to get her stuff at the temple of Zeena, where she had left it in the hands of Lucas. In an attempt to turn her life into a dating simulator, she set Lucas up with Ellie for a date tonight as well. and then it was onto Gnucci's, where she bought a lovely red sweetheart dress, and got her beautiful blue ball gown fitted for Ellie. Oh, and somewhere along the way helped create, break, and restore a statue for in the shrine toDeep Sashelasin the temple of the seekers of Zeena.

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