Khazar and the Seven Cities of the Djinn

Khazar is the united group of cities controlled by the 7 Djinn. They are heavily merchant basred and prize themselves on the finest of wares. Unless you live under the direct demanding rule of the Djinn, water is prized more than anything.   More and more Khazar has become a major player in the world. It is a massive desert with only seven major cities. Each city is ruled and run by a powerful Djinn tied to the location of the city. They each hold absolute power in a specific area of magic, but each are restrained by very specific and firm magical limits. They use servants, bounty hunters, and armies to enforce their will outside of their cities, (which causes a fair bit of chaos.) the goods, and services that can be found within the kingdom of Khazar is like no other, and their economic strength grows by the day.
Geopolitical, Co-rulership


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