Doctor Fuqall

Willyam Fuqall

Prefereing to be reffered to as Doctor or Doctor Fuqall, Willyam Fuqall is an eccentric human and a brilliant alchemical savaant. His abilities to concoct useful and desireable potions despite being under conditions of meager reagents to work with and little to no tools are second to none. The casual observer might believe Willyam to derive his success from his raw will power and believe him to be some mage or other purveyor of the high arcane arts. Alas, he is merely an extremely gifted individual, often claiming that reagents and materials (mundane or otherwise) will speak to him and tell him all manner of secrets regarding thier potential and their desires. One might give creedence to his ramblings if not for his inability to reproduce the exact same effect under the same conditions and with the same resources. Instead, one (and possibly even the Doctor himself) cannot know what reagents will be sought and used to produce an effect produced a hundred times over using other reagents. As a staunch rule, the alchemist always has his smoking pipe, has it clamped in his teeth, and is actively smoking...somthing. He can be observed removing the pipe by hand to tap out any ashes, but he is never seen loading or lighting his pipe. It should be noted that not any smoking pipe will do for the Doctor, and that only his special personal pipe will do.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Dr. Fuqall is a tall, thin, and gaunt individual. His eyes do not have irises, and are normal pupils surrounded by bloodshot whites. Despite his appearance, his frame hides a robust and sinewy musculature.

Personality Characteristics


Desires and driving forces of his actions are ultimatley driven by desire for escape. He is a chronic user of mind altering substances that are mostly of his own design. His potions are generally too powerful for anyone but the strongest of adventurers. To this end, he often is not willing to share his indulgences with others both for thier own safety and due to his general unwillingness to share. He seeks nothing more in his downtime than to simply exist, and experiment (mainly on himself). Sometimes, it is neccessary for him to interact with others to facilitate his basic needs or to aquire reagents he cant get for himself. He will express interest in arcana unknown to him, and even seek it out to study it. However, his ends to his interests are neither malicious nor benevolent, and tend rather towards chaotic.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Acute ability to purpose any and all reagents to his end regardless of thier innate properties. Abyssmal social skills.

Vices & Personality flaws

Addicted to anything and everything. Claims lack of substance ingestion would prove fatal.


While hygiene is lacking in most senses of the word, he does not seem to suffer from the ailments associated with poor hygiene such as sickness, foul smell, impaired healing and or immune deficiency.
Chaotic Neutral
without irises, only possessing whites and pupils
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Leathery and Calloused
~140 lbs dry
Ruled Locations