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“What do you know about dragons?”
“They're big, scaly, four-legged creatures with wings who terrorized small villages until a virgin was offered up as a sacrifice.”
He grinned again. “I do miss the virgins.”
  The Dargon lords have been in this world long before anything else was, and will probably mostly still be here when it ends. 
They are some of the most powerful beings on this plane and as such regarded very carefully by the fae court, who pretty much leaves them to their own devices out of fear of their power. Though, of course, some of them have done terrible and some wonderful things with this independence, and the opinions on this way to handle them differ greatly.
At least they are only individual threats though, as the dragons are too proud and torn in their own ranks to ever band together for one cause for long.    Dragons are not in relationship with many beings, but Kobolds are the exception in this, having been created by them exclusively to service and serve the dragons as their staff.   
The chromatic dragon Family is one of the most selfish conducts out there, having waged war against almost all of the other races and cultures at some point and purely interested in their own entertainment and wealth. So far gone from culture and reason that they have long turned their backs to even their own. 
Their look is characterized by solid, non-reflective scales, encompassing the whole rainbow in the spectrum of colors they are to be found in. Under them the red, black, blue, green, white, brown, gray, purple and yellow dragon.
They are feared all across the land and many rewards are set on their heads.   The Metallic dragon Family in contrast are regarded as great allies of the kingdom and seen gladly in the court and with the people, as they have helped them greatly against their sistering family in the past and have great power the elves hope to learn and profit from.
These dragons looks are defined by their metallic scales and include the Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, Brass, Mercury, Iron, Steel and Platinum dragons.   The Gem dragon Family in contrast, is the most neutral of the three, not really in either side of this conflict and keeping neutral in between, not wanting to engage in it either way. 
Most of their time they spend isolated from the rest of the world or wandering it incognito, living simple lives in between all to complicated cultures.  
They are made up by the Amethyst, Emerald, Sapphire, Topaz, Crystal, Obsidian and Beljuril dragons.   


  All dragons were inherently territorial and covetous. They hoarded wealth—although "wealth" could mean different things to different dragons—and jealously protected their hoards. For most dragons, there is no such thing as enough treasure. They enjoy collecting mountains of gold, gems, coins, and magic items. They find these treasures radiant and enticing, and would make nooks and beds for themselves in their money piles.    Bad-natured dragons are quick to attack anyone they perceive as a threat to their hoard, even other dragons. Good-natured dragons are more likely to attempt diplomacy, but their desire to protect their hoard is no less intense.

They live endlessly, if they are not killed.


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