Tegwik Soup

  Created by the famed Iralnerd A Rafromen at her food stall ORLD.   It's creation, along with other recipes including Button Mushrooms, caused quite a stir in the village the stall serves, though it didn't keep people from enjoying the soup.   It has a natural taste, thanks to the Blushcoprite Bush Leaves, similar to the Blushcoprite Tea it's more known for. The salt and vegetable stock does bring a more savoury taste, depending on the vegetables used.

Iralnerd, while writing both a cookbook and leaving recipes for her family, still withholds information.  
"Those that bought the book and shared the recipes, often tried to guess the spices and vegetables to have the same flavourings as my mother's.

Sometimes I'd be stopped on the street, arm full of ingredients or barely holding a heavy crate full of Nornflake; and yes I know it doesn't appear heavy, but it is. With the amount we order. They'd accost me, tiptoeing about asking for the recipe, as if mother told us ourselves.

Elartarel once told me he guessed the seasonings once, but after asking what it was over that day, he kept changing his answer. He's not a liar, but always had vivid dreams. Whenever he made the soup, I'd notable mention how much it tasted liked mother's.

And I don't mean to be a liar, but my brother unforunately has never had the best culinary instincts straying from a recipe."


  • 12-14 full Tegwik Pon Buttons
  • knifeful of Gerolilt Skere Butter
  • sprinkle of salt
  • pot of vegetable stock,
  • 8-10 Blushcoprite Bush Leaves


  • put the pot of vegetable stock to boil, toss in tea leaves, let it boil until water is light pink
  • sprinkle in salt and stir in preferred spices*
  • prepare a hot flat pan, sizzle the butter onto pan
  • throroughly grill the button mushrooms, don't let them burn or brown too much
  • toss the mushrooms in the soup pot, let them get nice and wrinkled
  • soup is ready when the mushroom spots are boiled white, and broth is a medium watery red.
* Iralnerd never gives a list of her preferred spices, even hr family cookbook, she keeps that secret to herself.
"I love that stuff. So soul warming. Great for a rainy day."
-Happy Customer
Fun Fact, this is an item in the upcoming Visual Novel ORLD & Mushrooms, check it out here! A demo is coming out soon.
While notoriously known that Iralnerd's favorite recipe was a nice Revery Salad, she's always be seen with a bowl of tegwik soup when it rained. A common sight was her blowing on the hot soup while it rained as she tended ORLD's booth, sitting peacefully under the leaky canopy.


Author's Notes

Created for https://www.worldanvil.com/w/unofficial-challenges-and-events-moonflower-writing/a/food-glorious-food-unofficial-challenge-article !

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